What do you think would be happening?

by cattails 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cattails

    What do you think would happen if a lot of DFed folks

    showed up at a KH. Socialized with each other... and

    shunned everyone else except little kids... Sat through

    the meeting and maybe said "Hah!" or "giggled" quitely

    in response to outlandish statements about JWs being

    only true religion or anytime "Faithful and Discreet Slave"

    is mentioned. But without interrupting.

    Then after the meeting they'd socialize with each other,

    till the lights went out in main auditorium, and moved to

    the foyer, where they'd talk about their lives how everyone

    was doing, how much they loved to have been there to see

    each other and to promise to keep in touch, etc.

    Don't you think the elders would be in a hissy fit to squelch

    this oubreak of love? Wouldn't you think the HQ would be

    notified and the Legal Dept. would quickly evaluate the

    'problema' and make recommendations?

    Do you think if it was repeated it would be even more fun,

    week after week. Perhaps skip a week or two by agreement,

    and not let the active JWs know when they'd show up or not.

    That would be awesome!

    I started this discussion realizing I can post a new topic again.

    I can only post once a day, or reply to 10 messages. But I'm

    very interested in your thoughts about the possibilities.


  • wobble

    I was told a few years ago that a nearby Congo. had this very problem,they all sat togetther and acted much as you describe, I don't know exactly how it was dealt with,but I think hints were dropped that if they were not seen to be humbly accepting the Congo. Discipline,then repentance would not be evident,so no re-instatement if the behaviour continued.

    I expect that threat was enough to modify their behaviour.



  • Waffles

    Man, what a brilliant idea! In my experience whenever there was 3 or more folks DF'd at one time within the halls I attended they would usually talk outside in the parking lot out of sight from the rest of the good Dub's. I do dig this idea though. Wish there was a hall somewhere around here with a big DF'd population, I'd definitely go to that hall and make friends.

    I remember in my younger years there were so many brothers who were DF'd in the surrounding congregations that we all used to play basketball with that I joked with a friend of mine that we should have an all-disfellowshipped team and an all non-DF'd team that could play ball against each other.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    If you are a repentant sinner, you are expected to act as the witnesses do and thus, should not associate or talk with other disfellowshipped members.

    If you go at the meetings to be reinstated, then, it would be foolish to make all these efforts and not comply with this rule.
    On the other hand, if you attend the meetings simply to stir up some troubles, then, perhaps you should revise WHY you have motivation and most importantly, what would be the benefit of doing so.

    Personally, I’d feel like a looser to take pleasure in other’s discomfort. I’d feel no better than the group I am trying to disturb and therefore would render my visit and my time pointless.

  • mindmelda

    Well, disfellowshipping is essentially unscriptural so why go there and reinforce that you believe it is by acting contrite and ashamed? Or go at all? What's the point, unless you want to get reinstated?

    I don't know if I could set foot in a KH again. The very idea scares me. I don't know if it'd be worth the nightmares. And I certainly couldn't go there and pretend I agreed with the baseless hogwash they pass off as teachings directed from holy spirit.

    Let em have it. They're happy to wallow in their predigested WTS misinformation, let em eat it all up.

    I'm no longer lining up for the trough.

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