Idiotic Hypocrites or hypocritical idiots....?

by Gill 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    A couple of years ago, my husband's sister was disfellowshipped for immorality. She moved in with a man and so was DF'd. Her mother and parents continued to speak to her, but still shunned us in the street as we haven't been to meetings for about 8 years now, and also my husband's sister also shunned us whenever she saw us. AS you would if you were a stuck up, brainwashed, moron JW!

    But we took the opportunity of just enjoying not having to deal with dim wits in our lives anymore.

    Anyway, one evening about 2 months ago, husband's sister turns up on our doorstep and tells us that she is getting married and will be sending us an invitation. She appeared friendly, so innocently I asked if she had got over the JW experience and was managing to move on. She looked as if I had just tazered her and put her coffee down.

    She asked me what I meant. I simply asked if she had finally discovered it was all a lie and not what it claimed/

    She looked totally astonished and jumped quickly up from her chair. Said thank you for the coffee and left!

    Well, she got married. We had no wedding invite and that my friends, is the end of that!

    She is still D'Fd and her hubby is NOT JW.

    Are Jehovah's Witnesses the biggest idiotic hypocrites in the world or are they the biggest hypocritical idiots in the world?

    My mother, who used to speak to me tells me there is a rumour going around that we are 'APOSTATES! Hence she will have to only speak to me in family emergencies now!

    Well, my heart bleeds......NOT! Good riddance to bad rubbish!

  • mindmelda

    I know of more than a few DF'd who still think it's "the truth", usually disfellowshipped for conduct issues, not belief or doctrinal issues.

    Some of them hold out vague hopes of being reinstated some day, but often they just walk around still brainwashed by the WTS even though they're out, because they still believe it's the truth and they still want to be involved, at least, in some ways.

    I feel sorry for some of them. I know a DF'd Witness that I continue to talk to who worked for us when we had a business. He's very sad and lonely, trying to overcome alcoholism pretty much on his own, (which was a factor in cheating on his wife one night when she was out of town).

    It's interesting that he came to my husband and I instead of the elders, initially. My husband, for whom he has a lot of respect, told him not to go to the elders, he'd get nothing but DF'd without any real help with his problem and sure enough...that's what happened.

    We wanted him to keep working for us, but he quit because he was afraid that he'd get us into trouble for continuing to associate with us.

    We still talk to him, he needs someone to talk to at times, and of course, that's the last thing you get from the JWs when you have a serious problem like addiction. "The Beatings WILL Continue til Morale Improves".

    Calls us about once a week...none of his wife's JW family, which they live near now, will talk to him. His JW brother who is in another state, will, though, because he's family. He just tells the elders it's "family business" when they ask him about it. Good for him!

  • Gill

    Mindmelda - It is good that his brother still speaks to him.

    I sometimes forget how much research it took me and mine to get 'de brainwashed' from the WT! I find it hard to be sympathetic to people who just WANT to feel bigger and better than us because they are 'going to live forever in paradise on earth and are in da twooth'

    I wish I was more sympathetic but I never will is sadly my character that i have finally reached the limit of endurance with JW family. At first the pain of being ignored, not for being DF'd or DA'd or even saying any unpalatable truths about da twooth, was horrendous.

    Eight years on, there are no more tears....but they stopped quite quickly. I find it difficult not to be derisory and rude to still in relatives who did, until very recently, unlike my husband's relatives, still speak to us.

    Now, I just want the poison out of our lives permanently.

    So, stories such as your friend's experience are still sad but it makes me wonder why these people cannot realise that to be abused by the WT society is wrong. But they just lap it up.

    Very sad.

  • mrsjones5

    "So, stories such as your friend's experience are still sad but it makes me wonder why these people cannot realise that to be abused by the WT society is wrong. But they just lap it up."

    Cuz for some when you feel like dirt you think you should be treated like dirt.

    Poor chap, I feel sorry for him and hope one day he wakes up.


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