Challenge #3 (EMOTION) ~ to Greg Stafford / Jason BeDuhn / Serious JWs / Fred Coulter (CofG)

by 4examp 0 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 4examp

    Personality is expressed, demonstrated & manifested by: Emotion, Intellect, Will.

    Challenge #3 ~ Do you agree Scripture proves The Holy Spirit can / does manifest EMOTION?

    1. agape = love
    - Rom.8:39 ~ tes agapes tou theou = the LOVE of the GOD
    - Rom.8:35 ~ tes agapes tou xristou = the LOVE of the CHRIST
    - Rom.15:30 ~ tes agapes tou pneumatos = the LOVE of THE SPIRIT

    2. enubrizo = to treat INSULTINGLY, with contumely (disdainful insolence)
    - Heb.10:29 ~ Of how much more severe a punishment... will the man be counted worthy... who has CONTEMPTUOUSLY OUTRAGED THE SPIRIT.

    3. epipotheo = to LONG FOR GREATLY
    - Phil.1:8 ~ For God is my witness of how I am YEARNING for all of you in such TENDER AFFECTION as Christ Jesus has.
    - 2Cor.5:2 ~ For in this dwelling house, we do indeed groan, EARNESTLY DESIRING to put on the one for us from heaven
    - Ja.4:5 ~ Or does it seem to you that the Scripture says to no purpose: "It is with a TENDENCY to ENVY that THE SPIRIT which has taken up residence within us KEEPS LONGING"?

    4. koinonia = communion, FELLOWSHIP, SHARING in common
    - 2Cor.13:14 ~ The UNDESERVED KINDNESS of the Lord JESUS Christ & the LOVE of GOD & the SHARING of THE HOLY SPIRIT be with all of you.
    - 1Cor.1:9 ~ God is faithful, by whom you were called into a SHARING with His Son Jesus Christ our LORD.
    - 1Jn.1:3,7 ~ Furthermore, this SHARING of ours is with The Father & with His Son Jesus Christ. We do have a SHARING with one another, & the blood of Jesus His son cleanses us from all sin.

    5. lupeo = to cause pain, or grief, to distress, GRIEVE
    - Eph.4:30 ~ Do not be SADDENING THE SPIRIT THE HOLY.

    6. hyperentygchano / stenagmos / alalhtos
    - Rom.8:26b ~ but THE SPIRIT itself pleads / hyper-intercedes (G5241) for us with groanings (G4726) unuttered (G215)

    G5241 = hyperentygchano = intense intercession for someone (you, for example)

    G4726 = stenagmos = groaning, sigh, deep emotional pain

    G215 = alalhtos = wordless, Divine-Heart-to-Heart communication ~ words suppressed by intense grief -- like when we just hug / hold someone in deep pain (to communicate our care, love, support), after a devastating tragedy


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