Need A Scan of the Generation Change Watchtower

by sammielee24 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    Does anyone have a scan of the ..Feb 15, 2008, Watchtower?

    I have a meeting tomorrow and need the complete explanation as back up for the generation change - a current JW insists there was no change...we aim to change her mind...thanks ...sammieswife.

  • Atlantis

    Click the link at the bottom of the next page. Cheers! Atlantis!-

  • sammielee24

    Thanks Atlantis! sammieswife

  • homeschool

    I will be having this discussion with my sister in the next couple days (we were supposed to talk about it many days ago, but she became very "busy")... Thanks!

  • homeschool

    Well, it appears that they are sticking with the same old stuff (pages 23-25). It looks like they're still saying that those from 1914 will not see the end of this system of things? Am I mistaken? are there any other good examples?

  • sammielee24

    It is very confusing.

    On page 23, paragrah 11, they say that the apostles would no doubt have understood that they were to be part of that generation that would not pass away until all these things occur. Now - when did the apostles live and die? 33CE. That tells us that the generation that would not die, had to have been in 33 CE by the Societies own admission.

    Now, that explanation gets dropped.

    On page 24 and 5 the WT goes back to the signs and the time of the end, speaking about today by saying that everything started in 1914 making the application that the annointed make up that generation. This ignores the fact that on the previous page, they said that the generation started in 33CE before the time of the end in 1914.

    They don't link it or tie it in - there is no cohesion. It makes no sense. I have no idea how any JW can explain it away or how they can buy into it. It's ludicrous.

  • middleman


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