The Hill I die on ...

by The Berean 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    Jehovahs Witnesses often state or infer that not practicing their form of worship is tantamount to "suicide." Naturally, many disagree.

    Medical Doctors might make a similar negative prediction concerning those who smoke, are obese, or who consume drugs or alcohol excessively.

    Question: Even were these sources correct, does a human being have the right to select the manner in which they die, or is there a moral obligation to live as long as possible?

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Mainly: Nobody has a right to force little kids to believe they should rather die and this way to "please God". NOBODY!!!


  • Heaven

    I believe we have the right to die the way we want, just as we have the right to live the way we want. Some countries in the world have legalized euthanasia. I applaud them.

    I don't know if any of you have heard of Sue Rodriguez. She was a Canadian woman who developed ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) and fought for the right to have a legally assisted suicide when she could no longer face living with ALS. She failed in her efforts to gain the legal right. She took her own life, illegally, with the aid of an anonymous physician in 1994. NDP (New Democratic Party) Member of Parliament, Svend Robinson, was also present.

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