That is so gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by asilentone 7 Replies latest jw friends
he admitted urinating in the elevator for months.
I bet he pees in the tub too.
Wait til he goes to court and has to face a jury of his Peers!
Get it? Pee ers Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck....
Luo bou to
$4,600 to clean the elevator???
John Doe
A little urine in the elevator never hurt anyone.
Luo bou to
True But you have to draw the line somewhere Like when I was young and sharing a house with my mates One rule we had was....... No pissing in the kitchen sink when there are dishes in it.
Witness 007
Amazing Australia we call them "Mobile Urinals."
A contract employee; good way to get on the public dole.
Your tax dollars at work. Watching someone pee.
They'll probably end up hiring him anyway.