Personality is expressed, demonstrated & manifested by: Emotion, Intellect, Will.
Challenge #4 ~ Do you agree Scripture proves The Holy Spirit can / does manifest INTELLECT?
1. entunkano (G1793,5x) = primarily to fall in with, meet with in order to converse, then to make petition, especially to make INTERCESSION, PLEAD with a person
- Rom.8:27 ~ THE SPIRIT ... is PLEADING in accord with God FOR holy ones
- Rom.8:34 ~ Christ Jesus is the one... who ALSO PLEADS FOR US
- Heb.7:25 ~ Christ Jesus is always alive to PLEAD FOR them
2. huper - entunkano (G5241,1x) = to make a petition or INTERCEDE on BEHALF of another... is used in Rom.8:26 of the work of THE HOLY SPIRIT in making INTERCESSION
- Rom.8:26 ~ THE SPIRIT itself PLEADS FOR US
3. ereunao (G2045,6x) = to SEARCH, TRACE, investigate, explore
- Rom.8:27 ~ The Father who SEARCHES the hearts knows what the MIND of THE SPIRIT is
- Rev.2:18,23 ~ The Son... SEARCHES the inmost thoughts & hearts
- 1Cor.2:10 ~ THE SPIRIT SEARCHES into all things, even the DEPTHS of God
Rom.11:33,34 - O the DEPTH of God's riches & wisdom & knowledge! How UNSEARCHABLE His judgments & past TRACING out His ways!
For "WHO has come to know Jehovah's MIND...?" [Answer = 1Cor.2:10 above]
4. eidon (G1492,666x) = see, perceive, know
- 1Cor.2:11 ~ no one has come to KNOW the things of God, except THE SPIRIT of God.
5. phronema (G5427,4x)
- "what was has in MIND, the THOUGHTS & PURPOSES" (Thayer's Lexicon, p.658)
- "frame of THOUGHT, WILL, MIND" (Analytical Lexicon, p.429)
- "the word is used of the MIND of THE HOLY SPIRIT" (Vine's, v.3, p.70)
Rom.8:6 ~ MINDING of the flesh ~ KI & NWT
Rom.8:6 ~ MINDING of the spirit ~ KI & NWT
Rom.8:7 ~ MINDING of the flesh ~ KI & NWT
Rom.8:27 ~ MINDING of the spirit ~ KI
WHY the difference in v.27, from v.6 & v.7 ?
WHY the difference in v.27 between the NWT & the KI ?
WHY the difference when phronema is only found 4x & all with identical spelling in Greek ?
WHY the difference, especially in view of the following quote:
"To each major word we have ASSIGNED ONE MEANING and have held to that meaning as far as the context permitted."
(KI - Foreword, p.10, 2nd para.)???
Here's the WT answer ~ w90 12/1 30 (Questions From Readers) states: "...phronema could have been rendered in Rom.8:27 as 'minding.'
BUT holy spirit is not a person that actually thinks or has its own thinking."
The WT should have used "mind" instead of "minding".
The WT should have used "minding" instead of "meaning".
BUT their bias against "THE SPIRIT THE HOLY" prevents honest translation.
See DOKEO (next) to discover whether "holy spirit... has its own thinking".
6. DOKEO (G1380) is found 62 times (excl. Lk.17:9) ~ in 24 grammatical forms ~ translation is from the KI
1. dokei ~ seems (Mt.17:25), it seems (Mt.18:12; 21:28; 22:17; Lk.10:36; Ac.25:27), seems it (Mt.26:66), does it seem (Mt.22:42), is seeming (Lk.22:24; 1Cor.11:16), is it seeming (Jn.11:56), it is seeming (Heb.12:11), he is seeming (Ac.17:18), thinks (Phil.3:4), is thinking (1Cor.3:18; 8:2; 14:37; Gal.6:3; Ja.1:26), he thinks (Lk.8:18)
2. dokien ~ to be thinking (Lk.19:11)
3. dokies ~ are you thinking (Mt.26:53)
4. dokeite ~ are you thinking (Lk.12:51; Heb.10:29; Ja.4:5), are thinking (Jn.5:39), you are thinking (Mt.24:44; Lk.12:40; 2Cor.12:19), do you think (Lk.13:2,4), be thinking you (Jn.5:45)
5. dokee ~ may seem (Heb.4:1)
6. dokoumen ~ we are thinking (1Cor.12:23)
7. dokoun ~ seeming (Heb.12:10)
8. dokounta ~ seeming (1Cor.12:22)
9. dokountes ~ seeming (Mk.10:42; Gal.2:6,9)
10. dokounton ~ seeming (Gal.2:6)
11. dokousa ~ thinking (Jn.20:15)
12. dokousin ~ they are imagining (Mt.6:7), seeming (Gal.2:2)
13. doko ~ I am thinking (1Cor.4:9; 7:40)
14. dokon ~ thinking (1Cor.10:12)
15. doxantes ~ (ones) having thought (Ac.27:13)
16. doxee ~ should think (Jn.16:2), might think (2Cor.11:16)
17. doxeete ~ you should presume (Mt.3:9)
18. doxo ~ I should seem (2Cor.10:9)
{the "e" in front of words 19 - 24, denotes past tense}
19. e-dokei ~ he was thinking (Ac.12:9)
20. e-dokoun ~ they were thinking (Lk.24:37), were thinking (Jn.13:29)
21. e-doxa ~ thought (Ac.26:9)
22. e-doxan ~ thought (Mk.6:49; Jn.11:13)
23. e-doxe ~ it seemed (Lk.1:3), it seemed (Ac.15:22)
24. e-doxen ~
- Acts 15:25 - IT SEEMED (edoxen) TO US
- Acts 15:28 - IT SEEMED (edoxen) TO THE SPIRIT THE HOLY & TO US
7. Plus the 40 Ways The Holy Spirit COMMUNICATES, obviously demonstrates intelligence.
1. hears / understands (true listening is a vital part of communication, for God & man)
2. consults (fundamental part of relationship in the Godhead ~ God is One)
3. initiates (fundamental part of communication ~ consults, then initiates / wills)
4. wills (choosing how, what, & when to communicate / do)
5. searches (examines) (thoroughly researches His response)
6. mulls / thinks / favours (before communicating His conclusions & decisions)
7. loves (revealing the basis of His communication & actions)
8. shares (revealing His openness & willingness to communicate, bless, & gift us)
9. comforts (revealing His desire to minister to us, not just communicate through us)
10. intercedes (pleads) (revealing His care & support for the battles in / for our lives)
11. hyper-intercedes (pleads) (revealing His intense care)
12. hyper-intercedes (pleads) transcendently (with wordless, Divine-Heart-to-Heart communication)
13. commissions (calls / summons)
14. bears witness
15. bears joint witness
16. testifies
17. declares
18. teaches
19. guides us into truth
20. reveals
21. spells it out for us
22. reminds
23. warns
24. forbids
25. helps us pray
26. helps us pray & praise via tongues
27. helps us communicate love
28. speaks through dreams
29. speaks through visions
30. speaks through humans
31. speaks through humans, giving prophecy
32. speaks through humans, giving Divine knowledge
33. speaks through humans, giving Divine wisdom
34. speaks through Scripture (proving He is The Author of Scripture)
35. speaks directly (with His Personal Voice)
36. speaks directly & expressly (articulate, deliberate, distinct, emphatic, explicit, intentional, pointed, specific, unambiguous, unequivocal)
37. speaks directly in responsive conversation
38. speaks directly in conversation & with repetition
39. invites (you to "hear" the evidence, & respond to His invitation)
40. enables us to be born in spirit, & communicate / understand spiritual things