No big news here, just a couple of nice quotes from the C.O.
#1) So how do JWs really feel about worldly people? Do they really think they are better than you? Really?? Yes, they do, or rather the leaders do. Remember the scriptures about Jeehoober using wood materials, but then upgrading? So he uses wood, the copper, silver and gold, right?
So according to the C.O, we don't judge worldly people, we are just better than them. We are the gold, they are like the wood. So cheer up, you aren't being judged!
#2) The world is tough place. Jobs, bills, stress those are the facts. Education, high-paying jobs, "the good life" those are myths. The world isn't fair. The only "fairness" that exists is in the Organization!
Yep, you heard it here!!