Hi all. I am new to the site so forgive me if I'm doing this wrong but somebody posted an article by the society recently on the Christian View of Brice Price or something like that (sorry don't know how to find it) and it really sickened me. Something that I have been dying to say and registered just to do so is that they are so full of it!!! Does anyone remember the article back in the 40's about how it was not right to tip your hat at a women because that would be elevating her above the man and that the woman was NEVER to be elevated above the man......Yet during our modern times they write an article saying that this custom is not wrong or demeaning but rather how to do it in a "Christian" way.......So tipping your hat to a woman is wrong but apparantly selling your daughter is AOKAY????? To me this really shows how much this organization hates women. I mean they go so far as saying we shouldn't follow "traditions of men" but that is exactly what the whole bride price is, It is A custom based on man's traditions. Yet, they make such a big deal of other customs like "pep rallies" "football games" "mother's day", etc. It just doesn't make any sense......It makes me want to pull my hair out!!! Anyway, hope I made sense and thanks for letting me vent!!! I just can't wrap my head around their double standards!!!!
Recent article on bride price
by meangirl 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Welcome to the forum, meangirl! No, you're not doing anything wrong.
And I do remember that article about tipping the hat to a woman...such a tiny gesture was so dangerous! I'm glad for the info.
Yeah, the double standards are too numerous for me to figure out...
Hi and welcome to this site!
Is this the article to which you're referring?
Yes that was it. Thanks YC! I am glad I am not the only one who sees how ridiculous their reasoning is!!!
John Doe
Welcome meangirl. Perhaps you should choose a username to show more respect for the meekness and humility that is becoming to one of your gender? And I hope your meanness does not extend to the masculine persuasion--that would be totally unacceptable.
chicken little
Welcome to the board....the bride price is acceptable to the witnesses because it was practiced in bible times, otherwise it would have been thrown out as pagan like everything else the society is against. I did not know about the 40s thing with the hat...wow...I would be flattered if a man had done that for me...still I am an old fashioned kind of girl.
Keep posting nice to have you here
Using some WT reasoning here: One time a man wearing a hat killed someone, therefore hats are to be avoided as they are pagan and evil.
Sound familiar?
One time at a birthday party someone was killed, therefore birthday parties are to be avoided as they are pagan and evil.
Witness 007
Welcome Sister, good point.....now can you get my slippers and newspaper before dinner?
The next thing they will have out is an article entitled "Applying Christian Principles in a Polygamous Marriage"........cause that was done in bible times too!!! It will probably be something to the effect of how even though the wives outnumber the husband they are still to remember that he is THEIR head and remember how Sarah called Abraham "Lord" in her heart. Also, how wives would want to be sure they are not envious of each other and also to remember the very difficult job their husband has of not only balancing all of his familes but all of his responsibilities at the congregration too. They would admonish Christian women they are "to be silent" and not nag, etc. etc. blah blah blah...... It is so amazing how they can twist things so much. Maybe if they did come out with such an article alot of people might wake up and come to their sense......nah wishful thinking. Also as a side point, how many of you ever heard the illustration"If somebody offered you a glass of water but told you there was one drop of poison in it would you drink it? Certainly not because that one drop would kills us and they always applied that in being faithful in little things, etc. So going on their logic, how could a "fraction" of blood be okay?????? Just another crazy double standard......I guess you have to laugh or else you would probably go crazy