I have been on various boards the past decade.
I cannot help but see that in some respects, esp. American JW ism is more extreme than its Scandinavian counterpart, perhaps both ways. Of course this also has to do with the fact that in American society, religion plays a far greater role than in Scandinavia... But it seems that its practiced in a more stern way in some parts in the U (e.g. mid-west), whereas it seems to be more lax e.g. in California (I remember the examples of elaborate weddings that was commented once in the Watchtower, about someone having dozens of brides maids etc wavng umbrellas in the KH etc)....
However, I would like to note some "peculiarites" about European JW-ism:
dancing not endorsed at Swedish weddings
beards alllowed for elders in e.g. Denmark
witnesses travelling abroad at christmas time so much that it even made headlines in regional newspaper
winter resort having hundres of witnesses at memorial (in a congo with less than ten publishers)
beer served at assembly hall inaugeration in Germany (was tol so be some friends, not witnessed myself)
things unique to the US:
sisters obliged to wear pantyhose
smurf mania