Personality is expressed, demonstrated & manifested by: Emotion, Intellect, Will.
Challenge #5 ~ Do you agree Scripture proves The Holy Spirit can / does manifest WILL?
1. thelo (G2309, 210x) = "to WILL, to WISH, implying VOLITION & PURPOSE" (Vine's, v.1, p.299) - Ja.4:15 ~ You ought to say: "If Jehovah WILLS, we shall live...." - Mt.23:37 ~ I (Jesus) WILLED to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings! But you... did not WILL it.
2. boulomai (G1014, 34x) = "to WISH, to WILL DELIBERATELY, expresses MORE STRONGLY than thelo... the DELIBERATE EXERCISE of the WILL" (Vine's, v.1, p.299) - 2Pet.3:9 ~ Jehovah... does not DESIRE any to be destroyed, but that all should come to repentance - Mt.11:27 ~ neither does anyone fully know The Father, but The Son & anyone to whom The Son is WILLING to reveal Him - 1Cor.12:11 ~ But all these operations THE ONE & THE SAME SPIRIT performs making a distribution to each one respectively JUST AS IT WILLS
NOTE: There is passion & will & strong desire in Jesus, Jehovah, & The Holy Spirit for us to repent & come to Him for Salvation & Communion.
- Mt.11:28 ~ Come to Me all who are toiling & loaded down & I will refresh you - Mt.23:37 ~ I (Jesus) WILLED to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings! But you... did not WILL it. - 2Pet.3:9 ~ Jehovah... does not DESIRE any to be destroyed, but that all should come to repentance - Rev.22:17 ~ The Spirit & the bride are saying: "Come!" & let anyone hearing say: "Come!"
3. koluo (G2967, 23x) = "to HINDER, restrain, withhold, FORBID" (Vine's, v.2, p.117) - Lk.11:52 ~ Woe to you versed in the Law, you took away the key of knowledge; you yourselves did not go in, & those going in you HINDERED ! - 3Jn.1:10 ~ Diotrophes tries to HINDER & to throw them out of the congregation - Ac.16:6 ~ they were FORBIDDEN BY THE HOLY SPIRIT to speak the word
4. eao (G1439, 13x) = "to let, PERMIT, suffer" (Vine's, v.2, p.326) - Ac.16:7 ~ they made efforts to go into Bithynia, but THE SPIRIT OF JESUS did not PERMIT them - Ac.14:16 ~ in the past generations He (God) PERMITTED all the nations to go on in their ways
5. Plus the "40 Ways The Holy Spirit COMMUNICATES", obviously demonstrates, Intellect, Emotion, Will (e.g. #13,24,36 particularly)
>>13. The Holy Spirit commands / commissions / calls / summons ~ {{REVISED}} {3 a} Ac.8:29 ~ {to pneuma} said (G2036) to Philip: "Approach & join yourself to this chariot" {3 a} Ac.10:19 ~ {to pneuma} said to Peter: "Look! Three men are seeking you {ctx} Ac.10:20 ~ "RISE (Peter), go downstairs & be on your way with them, not doubting at all, because I have dispatched (G649,133x) them" {ctx} Ac.11:7 ~ I also heard a VOICE (G5456) say to me, "RISE, Peter, slaughter & eat!" {ctx} Ac.11:8 ~ but I said, "Not at all, Lord, because a defiled or unclean thing has never entered into my mouth." {ctx} Ac.11:9 ~ the 2nd time the VOICE (G5456) from heaven answered, "You stop calling defiled, the things God has cleansed" {3 a} Ac.11:12 ~ {to pneuma} said (G2036) to me to go with them {5 a} Ac.13:2 ~ {to pneuma to agion} said (G2036): "Set Barnabas & Saul apart for Me for I have called (G4341) them" (cf} Ac.16:10 ~ God summoned (G4341) Paul to declare the good news {4 a} Ac.13:4 ~ these men sent out (G1599,2x) by {tou agiou pneu.matos}, went down to Seleucia {5 a} Ac.20:23 ~ from city to city {to pneuma to agion} testifies to me saying (G3004) bonds & tribulations are waiting for me {3 a} Rev.22:17 ~ {to pneuma} & the bride are saying (G3004): "Come!" & let anyone hearing say: "Come!"
>>24. The Holy Spirit forbids {4 a} Ac.16:6 ~ they were forbidden (G2967,23x) by {tou agiou pneu.matos} to speak the word in Asia {3 J} Ac.16:7 ~ they attempted to go into Bithynia, but {to pneuma} of Jesus did not permit (G1439,13x) them {3 a} Ac.21:4 ~ through {tou pneu.matos} they repeatedly told Paul not to set foot in Jerusalem
>>36. The Holy Spirit speaks directly & expressly (deliberately, distinctly, intentionately, pointedly, specifically, unequivocally) {3 a} 1Tim.4:1 ~ {to (de) pneuma} expressly (G4490,1x) says (G3004) some will pay attention to {pneu.masin planois} & teachings of [daimoniwn]
~~~ HIS WILL obviously, is that we don't pay attn to voices that stray from, & don't accept, His Words (i.e. Scripture).