Hey pls what do u guys think about facebook? Can a Jehovahs witness sign up?
by joself 5 Replies latest jw friends
Nope, never. Its the work of the Devil. Everything that can be used for evil, is evil. And we all know that the internet is only used for evil, right now Im sitting here beeing evil, promise :)
There were some threads in the recent past about elders & family looking up jw's who had facebook and getting them in trouble for it. Though some had content that was questionable even for non jw's.
I've seen quite a few jw's on facebook, but my sisters refuse to do so. They say its because they dont have the time (although I assured them its their choice as to how long they spend on there). They say 'of course we are allowed to join facebook, but we choose not to'.....MmmmmmHmmmmmm. I think not.
I have a JW friend on Facebook. I hope she stays on.
I know several JWs who have Facebook accounts. All of them have their settings as private, so you have to be a friend to view it. They also are very selective as to which "friends" they have on there. I do not personally have one, but only because I would rather not have anyone know what I am doing at any given time unless I tell them. One of my closest JW friends has one and from time to time he would show me what some others are up to. A few months ago, he showed me one of his JW friends on facebook who is in a neighboring congregation and looking at some of the pictures posted it looked as if they were at a Christmas party. He asked me what I thought about it, and I told him that it was not my place to comment, that I do not know the full story behind the picture, and honestly, it was none of our business what this person was doing. Nothing was said since and from what I know, nothing has happened to that person either. That is my reason for not wanting one. Not that I would do anything wrong according to the Board of Directors standards in NY, but people who have nothing better to do than make up stories to one picture need not be involved in my life.