Holiday Advice

by Kay Francis 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kay Francis
    Kay Francis

    Hi Everyone:

    I'm new to this forum and badly in need of advice. My husband and I left the organization over four years ago, but unfortunately have left many family members behind. In fact, my mother is still an active JW but pretty much follows her own agenda. My father has left the org like us and is having a difficult time dealing with my mother (they are still together). She does not believe in shunning and many of the other JW teachings, therefore, we still visit back and forth (she lives in OH and I live in MD) and talk on the telephone. I'm having quite a few difficulties though. You see, my mother fades in and out of WT teachings. One minute she agrees, the next minute she's a tyrant.

    With all of that said and done, my mother, father, sister (not a JW but raised one), her children and grand children are supposed to be coming to visit my husband and I this weekend. My mother asked whether or not there was a place we could go out (jazz club, etc.) and I asked her would she feel comfortable going out this weekend being that it is the week before Christmas and that would be the theme in every club. She got irate with me over the telephone and began shouting that I cannot tell her what to do or where to go as she was 60 years old and could make her own decisions. I agreed with her and said I felt she should be able to do the same, but gently reminded her that her religion does not allow for such independence. She was outraged that I would make a comment, and told me to mind my business. My husband said that this was the last straw and decided to send them an email to tell them that they should come at a later time (not around the holidays) because of the turmoil that it's causing, and he wants to be able to enjoy his four day weekend without the hassle of discussing WT issues. He does not mind them coming, but just feels now is not a good time.

    Anyway, my mother called me crying and upset this morning and indicates that she still wants to come because she feels that this is something that we need to talk about as a family (including my non-JW sister). However, she made it perfectly clear that she was not going to stop going to the KH. I am quite emotional about this, and want to see my parents and my sister (since she has not been to see our new home yet), but my husband feels this is not a good time. What should I do? Should I give in to my emotions and let them come knowing we will probably have a miserable time with all of the built up tension or stick to my husband's original decision? I just believe that life is too short to be playing these STUPID games.

    P.S. Daddy if you're reading this - DON'T -- DON'T -- DON'T -- Show this to mom because I don't want her to read this!!!!!!!!!!!

  • JBean

    I say let her and all of them visit. Hey... she was the one who was asking about social activities, right? Plan something fun! She may not want to admit it but she is probably DYING to let loose and have a good time. If she asks to have fun... let her have fun. She probably got all upset with you 'cos you "ruined" her plans when you brought up her religion. : ) You never know, if your husband and you show her a good time... house being decorated for the holidays, holiday music on the stereo, etc. (hey, it's your house, right?) she may soften to it all. I'd give it a shot if I were you! If she starts bringing up the JW faith, you can just politely tell her the holidays are not the time for such discussions. Seriously, it sounds as if she wants to have a bit of fun away from the organization. : ) Jbean

  • LB

    Boy it's a tough one. Having harmony around the home is pretty important I'd say. If mom is going to cause a disrutption, then maybe it is the wrong time for her to visit. I think the ball is more in Mom's court. IF she will agree to keep things quiet and peaceful, then "maybe" her visit would be ok.

    I do understand how your husband feels right now though. I mean if you can't even mention the Christmas theme being in places you might visit without her blowing up, then this visit will be rough. I'm leaning towards postponing her visit myself. Don't let your emotions get the best of you. The visit sounds like a sail on the Titanic.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • edward gentry
    edward gentry

    Well at this point I suggest that all that matters is what you want to do.
    Sit back, take a breathe, and think what that is.
    If you want them there, go ahead.
    If not, so be it.
    As far as your relatives are concerned I would not worry.It appears that everyone is on the way out of the church, itll just take time thats all.They sound conflicted. Thats normal.Ride the waves.

  • joelbear

    Hi Kay,

    Your husband has a right not to have his holiday ruined. If they come, they should promise seriously not to discuss your religious differences. Keep the conversation away from this, and if they stray there, gently remind whoever did it that that is off limits turf for this weekend.

    Keep the family busy with activities. A busy family is less likely to start dwelling on the things they disagree with each other about.

    Bring out the family albums. Talk about your good times. Celebrate your lives together.



  • Yerusalyim

    I'm in complete agreement with Joel! (God, I can't believe I just said that) Love ya Huggey Bear

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Kay Francis
    Kay Francis

    I'd like to thank everyone for responding to my dilemma. I must admit that JBean's comments had me in stitches . I didn't even think that she could have been wanting to get out and have some fun! Anyway, we've decided to get together anyway but we will not be discussing religion. I think it is terrible how this religion has torn my family apart. I'm just fortunate that my mother still talks to me unlike so many of the other experiences I've read. I felt that it would be stupid not to get together because life is too short to be acting like this and my parents are not getting any younger, and neither am I for that matter!

    Have a merry Christmas everyone, and thanks again!

    Ain't no thang but a chicken wang!!!!

  • JBean

    Your welcome Kay! You have a wonderful holiday yourself and a safe New Years! Please check back with us often!

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