Would you rather roll with the punces, get mad, or get even?

by The Berean 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    You have been unquestionably offended by a family member (Spouse, children, parents, inlaws). The family member refuses to see your side or admit any responsibility. Under what corcumstances will it be in your best interest either to ignor the situation, express your anger, or somehow demand justice? Are there times when venting about it to others outside the family brings relief?

    This has happened to me dozens of times!

  • Lillith26

    To Quote Mr Kenny Rodgers- "sometimes you have to fight to be a man", my reasoning behind this is pretty simple- how will a person learn that their actions are not ok, if you turn the other cheek! I'm pretty sure even a cute pussy cat would scratch your eyes out if you approched her kittens in a threating way.

    Venting is good, but it wont solve the issue- even a letter (just one) to the person or org explaining your side of things and end it by saying the only reason you are so angry is because you care!

    Dont stoop to their level- always be prepared to here them out as well- if you can be reasonable, so can they!

    Goodluck and I hope you are able to sort these issues out. If not, there is plenty of ears here ready to listen

  • Hortensia

    I agree that turning the other cheek lets people know that you can be walked all over. You have to call people on their bullshit. There need to be consequences. Even if that means that you simply cut the person out of your life because they aren't worth the hassle.

  • Hope4Others

    Years and years ago my family Dr. gave me a piece of advice, I was having lots of trouble from interfering relatives....

    This was the best advice I have ever been given........

    If you can not resolve the problem get them the hell out of your life.

    So I did....never been happier


  • 504deist

    i don't get mad, i get retribution

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