Okay, I sent the following e-mail. Hope it helps.Mr. Vivien:
The reason I am writing is due to my concern as a former Jehovah's
Witness over your designating the title of "association confessionel" to this organization.
When I was recruited into the organization I was told that I was
free to leave if I ever wanted. I was never told that I would lose
all of my friends and family if I did. Currently, my sister is for-
bidden to talk to me and has been told she must "develop an
abhorrence" for me. The official media website for the Watch-
tower Organization www.jwmedia.org states with regard to those
who "simply cease to be involved" that they are not "shunned."
Clearly, this is a gross misrepresentation of the reality! The
organization breaks up family ties and relationships. In effect
they hold their adherents for ransom. If I should want a relation-
ship with my sister again, I must FIRST return to the JW
organization. There is no freedom of conscience for the indi-
The reason I left the organization is simply because I do not agree
with their policy on blood therapies. However, I am not allowed
to continue to be a JW if I do not refuse blood for myself and
for my children. This is despite the fact that their blood policy
has changed many times in the past. I also disagree strongly
with the policy on pedophiles. My child was molested by an
individual in the congregation and the elders told me I must "Never,
ever say the word 'molest' with regard to any witness." They swept the whole thing under the rug and no authorities were called. I
was discouraged from discussing it further with anyone and was
told to drop the matter.
Allowing the JW organization to be legitimized as a religion is
a slap in the face to all of those people like myself who have been
denied their freedom of conscience by this organization. Would
you call the Taliban an "association confessionel?" Would you
call Jim Jones or David Koresh the same? If not, then please
do not commit the travesty of legitimizing the Watchtower
Organization as a religion in France until the Watchtower
changes its policies on blood, pedophiles and shunning.
The organization cares very much for money and legitimizing them
will give them more money. Only pressure from the politicians
of the different countries will cause this organization to
re-evaluate and change their policies toward individual
freedoms. The same freedoms which they demand for the
organization are the freedoms they deny to their members.