I missed the DC this past week and I was wondering if anybody knows the names the new books or songbooks and what they
are all about?
by booker-t 3 Replies latest jw friends
I missed the DC this past week and I was wondering if anybody knows the names the new books or songbooks and what they
are all about?
The new (not) songbook has the most imaginative, creative title I could envision--Sing To Jehovah. The old one is Sing Praises to Jehovah. Take one word out, and call it new.
Well, from what I have seen, there is very little change--just enough so the witlesses are going to rant and rave about it. They took out 132 of the Kingdumb maladies and added 42 new ones (which I bet will be as pathetic as the existing ones). You are left with only 135 (there were 225 in the old one), and people are going to be excited about how Jehovah and His Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is giving us such "good music" and "with this generous gift of new music, who needs worldly songs". I don't buy that line of crap--with more than 13,000 songs in my personal library and access to more than 7 million songs, who needs their paltry 42 pxxx poor excuses of music?
LOL WTWizard- That seriously was the one thing that drove me crazy about the meetings- the music- and there is always some tiny sweet little old lady that sings really loud and high pitched and off key ARRRRHHH!!!!! it drove me nuts! So glad Iam not subjected to that form of torcher anymore
will there be a new songbooks, does new title, remove some of it put new?
here in italy again not start it Dc, samebody sa more