Intriguing Plot to Topple The Tower...

by Tuesday 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    A friend of mine was making a joke the other day about what I would do with my spare time if there was no Watchtower, he was wondering if anything could actually end the Watchtower or make it obvious to everyone in the world that they are not the true religion and therefore kill off their supply of possible converts. I mentioned LuciousVBogeyman on youtube and his mentionings of a plot for Nov 5th, 2017 which lead to a bunch of postulating on my behalf of what he could possibly be planning.

    This lead to something I found pretty interesting and figured I'd post here to see what everyone else thought about it. Percent of attrition of JWs is what around 60%? Which means that there are close to if not more ex-JWs than there are active JWs. This idea goes in conjuction with Zecheriah 2:8 where it talks about as soon as you lay a finger on God's people it will be like touching God's eyeball. I vaguely remember this being mentioned in the Revelation book that basically as soon as God's organization is turned on armageddon will come. So basically the plot would be a massive organizing campaign, getting every single former JW to show up to their former congregations. Then a massive media blast, online, spam e-mails, websites, youtube videos, newcasts if you can get them saying that on a specific date we are going to shut down the Watchtower. Make no mistake about it, on that day that is our one goal, point out the scriptures and point out there are two possible outcomes.

    1.) JWs are indeed God's chosen people and us organizing against it will cause armageddon to occur.

    2.) JWs are not God's chosen people by letting the event go off without a hitch, there will be documented (heavily) evidence that JWs are not God's Chosen People as shown by his inaction to defend them.

    If there was a big enough campaign how do you think the WT would react? Do you think it would be succussful if the public was educated enough regarding it? Would it kill off potential converts, would it cause many to leave because it is undeniable proof that they are not God's chosen people?

  • StAnn

    There is no such thing as "undeniable proof" to a die hard JW.

    St. Ann

  • gubberningbody

    It has merits! Of course the first thing I'd do is run all the language through a spell-checker first. Then we'd have to organize a street parade like this one:


  • cattails

    I think the Rank & File would rally round their

    Faithful and Discreet Slave class as expected.

    There would need to be a lot of prior setting

    up, by doing some recognisance and spy work

    so that the foundation could be weakened.

  • sir82

    So you want to organize all, or nearly all, ex-JWs, to perform this one task on this one day?

    Try herding cats. You'll have a far greater chance of success.

  • Tuesday
    So you want to organize all, or nearly all, ex-JWs, to perform this one task on this one day?
    Try herding cats. You'll have a far greater chance of success.

    It's kind of a theory and wanted to get feedback on the theory. Though, to be honest I do want to unite every ex-JW to be able to contact people from their former congregation. I'm working on a video with a call to arms. Someone told me the other day someone I knew killed themselves after they were disfellowshipped, and I'm very much of the mind "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing to stop it."

    Personally though, if someone told me "Go to your former congregation for one Sunday meeting, if you go the Watchtower will fall." You bet your ass I'd be there, it's one day out of my life. What I need is some sort of Braveheart or 300 speech here.

  • jws

    Whatever number of people you get to show up, they can simply dismiss it as not enough persecution. After all, it's not the entire world against them... Or whatever excuse they want to use. It's interpretive and therefore cannot have hard proof for or against. Like many other religious predictions, they usually link a prophecy to an event after it has happened - and only if it fits what they want to teach.

    Reaching a lot of ex-JWs is also going to be hard. Not every ex-JW is linked into these boards. Many have moved, blend in, and are unrecognizable as former JWs. Others just plain won't care to join in. You could probably never reach anything but a small minority.

  • WTWizard

    What they are looking for is the governments to turn on the witlesses just before Armageddon, not just a big group of apostates. And they will tell the tale to the public that it is regular persecution by "evil apostates" that is a sign that the end is near, not here.

    What would be needed would be for the governments to step in and ban the witlesses worldwide, similar to Codex Alimentarius banning vitamin supplements worldwide. They would need busts (and yes, the witlesses do initiate fraud against the public to get them in, so such a bust is warranted). It would have to be everywhere at once--whether the other churches are still alive or not. If nothing happens toward Armageddon, that would mean they are not the truth--part of it would be a major media blitz that the witlesses are expecting Armageddon after the nations (that is, all the governments enact a worldwide ban on the religion and start going after them). After that, the witlesses themselves will still remain faithful and continue doing field circus anyways, but they would have no results (plus they would risk getting busted for their fraudulent activity).

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