A friend of mine was making a joke the other day about what I would do with my spare time if there was no Watchtower, he was wondering if anything could actually end the Watchtower or make it obvious to everyone in the world that they are not the true religion and therefore kill off their supply of possible converts. I mentioned LuciousVBogeyman on youtube and his mentionings of a plot for Nov 5th, 2017 which lead to a bunch of postulating on my behalf of what he could possibly be planning.
This lead to something I found pretty interesting and figured I'd post here to see what everyone else thought about it. Percent of attrition of JWs is what around 60%? Which means that there are close to if not more ex-JWs than there are active JWs. This idea goes in conjuction with Zecheriah 2:8 where it talks about as soon as you lay a finger on God's people it will be like touching God's eyeball. I vaguely remember this being mentioned in the Revelation book that basically as soon as God's organization is turned on armageddon will come. So basically the plot would be a massive organizing campaign, getting every single former JW to show up to their former congregations. Then a massive media blast, online, spam e-mails, websites, youtube videos, newcasts if you can get them saying that on a specific date we are going to shut down the Watchtower. Make no mistake about it, on that day that is our one goal, point out the scriptures and point out there are two possible outcomes.
1.) JWs are indeed God's chosen people and us organizing against it will cause armageddon to occur.
2.) JWs are not God's chosen people by letting the event go off without a hitch, there will be documented (heavily) evidence that JWs are not God's Chosen People as shown by his inaction to defend them.
If there was a big enough campaign how do you think the WT would react? Do you think it would be succussful if the public was educated enough regarding it? Would it kill off potential converts, would it cause many to leave because it is undeniable proof that they are not God's chosen people?