We all know the obsescion of the WT using Israel. God's people did this and that so we are the new "chosen"ones like Isreal and we follow the same example.
Here are some things that the Old Israel was doing and the WT does not:
1.Circumciscion, from the 8th day of the child. It was an obligation to do that for an Israelite, but JW's accuse the rest of Christian religions that they have infant baptism. It was obvious that God wanted them to pass their faith, even though the child at the end wouldn't follow.
2.Clergy class. There was a clergy class in Israel and they were getting paid!!!But WT accuses other Christians religions the same thing that they accept for Israel!!!
3. Israel had army to protect their land from enemies. Again they accept that but they condemn others for doing that.
I just wrote e few points here and I'm waiting your comments on that. Also the WT says that they are not like the rest of us since they are moral and keep their congregation clean.
But here we have another major issue. God gave many laws to Israel, that included fornication, adultery, sex with animals, stealing, lying. So if the "chosen"people of God, the Israelites were facing exactly the same problems like the rest of the surrounding nations what makes then JW's so different from the others?
JustHUMAN14 formerly known justhuman