Operation CodeName JuicySteak November 5th 2017
by LuciousVBogeymanProd 9 Replies latest jw friends
Oh, I thought that was Padre's favorite holiday there for a minute, but that's in March.
Carry on...........
John Doe
That guy needs some psychological help. On a side note, I've seen few people who could talk for 10 minutes and say so little.
This is something I was discussing on this site. I'm intrigued by this idea, I don't know how it is going to work though. It's wierd how many people say this guy is crazy after seeing his videos, he seems perfectly sane when talking to him.
Wait, so what is he trying to do? Like.. 10 million extra people show up to meetings some day in 2017?
Use your words, man!
- Lime
yadda yadda 2
Who cares about something 8 years away? What a dumb-ass idea.
The fatal flaw in his reasoning is that he has forgotten that the org has the potential to grow past 10 million by 2017.
He says that it's a numbers game and that all he needs is a bigger force to win. Unfortunately, the odds of the JWs staying at 7 million for 8 years is rather slim.
I'm thinking that, by the time 2017 rolls around, there'll be a heck of a lot more than 10 million ex-JW's. It's an interesting concept though: If every single ex-Jehovah's Witness showed up to the Kingdom Hall one day, wouldn't at least some of the current members get to questioning why there should be so many?
And here we are, two months shy of the end of 2017 and active JWs at their peak number slightly more than 8.3 million.