I know there was a thread started not that long ago about what book you are reading but I really wanted to start a thread about this particular book and it's subject.
I am about 2/3 the way through a book I got for my birthday called World War Z by Max Brooks. Apparently it is going to be film sometime soon.
Anyway the book is about a world crisis....zombies....please don't give up on this thread yet........the book is written as fact like a history book where a man is collating evidence for future generations so as to prevent another such crisis but is told to leave out all the humanity.....this results in the man writing his own book called "World War Z" as he feels that future generations can only really learn from the humanity side of things as they will be able to relate to experiences rather than just facts.
Throughout the book the man interviews survivor after survivor who relates their own experience and how it influenced or was influenced by the crisis. Now the man who actually wrote this book ...Max Brooks also wrote another book called "The Zombie Survival Guide" and apparently it is a book which is encouraged reading for people in positions where they may be faced with any kind of crisis like this......effecting a large number of people, etc.
I'm sorry this is so long-winded.......I am getting to the point......Since leaving the borg I have found that I love Zombie films, end of world films,any kind of film where society has to survive and then start over...........reading these books has really sparked in my mind that it may be because I was a witness that I enjoy these films so much..........after all isn't everything about being a witness geared towards waiting for armageddon when the "wicked" will be destroyed and then starting afresh.
So do you feel that there is a connection?
Do you like this type of film or story?
Do you think some major catastrophe or plague or something is possible or imminent in our future?
Any other comments?
I hope this hasn't come across as negative....I find it fascinating.........
Rose x