I went to the elections again ... Do you?

by Albert Einstein 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Last year I went secretely to vote in local elections for the first time in my life... I felt very bad and guilty for doing such a terrible satanic thing...

    This weekend we had elections to EU parliament - this time I told my JW wife straight I go to vote and I take our son with me. She did try some objections... but I said if it was such a deadly sin, WT wouldnt allow it (questions from readers 1999...)

    So we were there with my son, I explained him how important it is to be rosponsible citizen ...

    How about you? If still fading JW, do you go to vote? Did anybody got in in troubles with elders for this? What was it like when you went for the first time?


  • blondie

    Hubbie and I have been voting for the last seven years, when we stopped going to the kh. We can vote through the mail but the last few times we just went to the polling station.

    Of course, it is still a choice and I don't fault anyone who has reasons for not voting. But then not voting is still voting, eh?

    Unless you tell the elders you are voting, how would they know?


  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    But then not voting is still voting, eh?

    You are right, actually the very first info in media after elections is how many did/did not show up... so not coming also is a political statement....

    Unless you tell the elders you are voting, how would they know?

    For the first time I was very scared somebody will see me at the polling station and tell it to the elders... Now I dont really care, I wonder if this could be a reason for JC...?


  • blondie

    I would use absentee voting then. I doubt that elders are staking out the polling booths. In our area they are at local schools, which is somewhere you can be for more than voting.

  • sspo

    Voted for the first time in my life, it felt good.


  • jaguarbass

    I left in 83. I voted my first time for Ron Paul when he was the libetarian

    canidate, then I voted for ross perot. Then I found out you are throwing your vote away

    if you dont vote for a republican or a democrat.

    We have freedom of a limited selection of bad and worse.

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