Moses got in a good bit of trouble with god for taking credit for supplying water that had actually been supplied by god.
Does this have a modern day counterpart in people or "classes" of people saying that they are the source of figurative "water" from god?
We of course know that there are hundreds of groups who claim to represent god. Even here on our little forum we have dozens of people who say they have the truth, they have the real understanding. Some of these even go so far as to say, they know more truth than the groups that they are part of, or at least, supposedly part of.
It occurs to me that an argument could be made that one of the subthemes of the Bible is a specific warning against those who would claim to come between individuals and god. Indeed wouldn't these claims by individuals or groups to be the dispenser of real truth or being the mediator between individuals and god be just one more way of "man dominating man to his own injury".
take care