by ricoananas 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • ricoananas

    When one stops using BORG publications as a substitute for his own God-given critical thinking faculties and starts reading up on History and countless other subjects that at one time were available only in libraries but now are available also in the treasure trove of the Internet on the top of everyone’s lap and/or desk, one will see that “Pastor” Russell and everyone that headed his Cause were just next in a long line of opportunists ready to cash in spiritually, monetarily and psychologically on Millenarianism hopes and fears. Ray brought out that the Bible is silent about “Food At The Proper Time” coming from some FDS Organization as opposed to the FDS comment of Jesus being also applicable to the individual student of the Bible. I was surprised to learn that in anticipation of the year 1000 Catholic Europe witnessed a lot of behavior akin to the modern-day JW phenomenon of preparing for the “End” in diverse ways because they “knew” the End was coming “soon.” INTERESTINGLY, When I was a Catholic the Church never went out of its way to tell me that in their own past they conducted themselves as JW’s today. Jesus mentioned to be wary of “false Christs” and there certainly has been an oversupply of them since he was on the earth until now and will continue to be. So that is what happens when we “dig deeper” and see that WBTS is just another in a long line of opportunistic entities cashing in on gullible people by twisting scriptures and playing mind-control games. Now that I’m appreciating so much that I’ve been able to see my OWN gullibility, I also see that WBTS is not unique. It’s just that I’ve been separating myself (“from the Unclean Thing?”) from it for a relatively short period of time compared to the length of time I was one of its drones. Learning gems of History helps to put matters into a better perspective. “Chinese Communists” brainwashed people against their will. It’s been hard for me as an Ex-Borg Drone to face the fact that no one forced me against my will to swallow their pseudo-scriptural drivel, I did it to MYSELF. It’s been almost as hard as rejecting all the Catholic drivel I had once been programmed with before falling into the same trap of having all the tubes attached to me as a cell of the Collective, but now at least my consolation is that I don’t have to fall into the trap ever again. Thanks be to GOOGLE, ALTA VISTA, ETC ETC (I use Google all the time) for their help in becoming educated in very significant ways.

    As Lao Tsu once said, “Keep your I Simple.” When movies still traditionally put "THE END" on the screen, there was a movie about the Korean War when in progress ("Steel Helmet" : 1951)
    and at the end it sed: "THERE IS NO END TO THIS STORY." As Mr. Natural sed: "Keep on Truckin'."

  • COMF

    Two words, nico:


  • ISP

    I thought it was Rico!


  • ricoananas








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