The purple represents if I can remember thirty years to my JW days kingship or connection to the politcal rulers or nations of the earth and the scarlet represents harlotry, immorality. Babylon the harlot the woman adorned in purple and scarlet represents the world empire of false religion riding on the back of the wild beast the United Nations (actually I don't disagree with the sympathy behind interpreting this as false religion in bed with corrupt politics), this according to the JW beliefs of the mid seventies, JW beliefs, as we know, are always subject to change. I am starting to forget this stuff, a good sign?
For all I know the JW's of today could be calling the Harlot Woman symbol Walmart and the Wild Beast symbol they could be saying is the World Wrestling Federation since their now saying that ex-Jw's are the anti-Christ then I guess aaanything is possible.
I would be a little curious to know what they interpret those symbols in Relevelation to be today since I have not kept up with their changing views.