....so the meeting finishes and im ready to bolt to the new middle eastern resteraunt just opened around the corner, and this brother comes up to me, funny actually he rarely speaks to me.... It was after the last weeks watchtower study ( those there will relate to this ).....he comes and starts talking about the study, and how jehovah when he destroy's .999 times 6 X 10 9 of earthlings he will be within his wright because " they cant say they werent told and didnt have enough time to do something about it ". ..Well bugger me, good afternoon to you to brother *cockburn...hungry ??
Anyhow this blokes gone on and on about how FAIR this last destruction will be. I tell yas, I got to thinking, ( which is why i post this here) , HOW MANY of you JW's feel the same way as cockburn ??
This is roughly the summation of our 15 min conversation.
Cockburn : They cant say they werent warned....etc
Bathory : Yeh well... yeh.
Cockburn : I mean jeh gives people time like in the study, with noah those bludgers had 'bout 40 years to wake up to themselves, they didnt so they died aye.
Bathory : Yeh well....yeh i guess.
Cockburn : So it is in our day bathory we gotta do our job now mate so these people can live, we're like givin them a way out you know..into paradise, they cant say they havent been warned.
Bathory : Yeh well....( me trying wanting to start an indepth discusion with this very simply minded man in the middle of the hall )
yeh....( blow it )but hang on how about all the billions of people in china, bangladesh, india, those bloody paki's, 9 % of middle east etc etc, they havent had a chance to har the message, its not FAIR surely to destroy them, how about the kids and infants, they are to young to grasp the understanding even if they have been shown the teachings....
Cockburn : ( eyes changed ) Well i think youll find that those people will be judged according to their heart mate, and the young ones go on their parents, if their parents are in, so are they etc....
Bathory : ( eyes also changed )ok so firstly if they are judged on their hearts why the need to witness ? Young ons on their parents?? didnt christ die for each and every INDIVIDUAL ??
I went on and on and his answers to those FUNDAMENTAL questions were so laughable, you would think im exagurating if i represented them here but the pinacle to this is as follows, i asked him a question, and requested his answer considered both his christian and humanitarian beliefs... The question ..
Bathory : Ok, at the end of the day though, are you not disturbed by the thoughts and visions associated with the destruction of, well, you neighbours ( good 'ol bob the old prik and hs kin ) your workmates, virtually all the people in the earth, would that not be very very emotionally disturbing to you ? Some people need profesional help when they witness even a brutal stabing or bashing ..etc
Cockburn : Not at all mate, it wouldnt even affect me.
WOW !! I looked straight into his light very spotty blue eyes and thought, does he know what he has just said ??
There is more to this but my question mainly directed to all believing JW's is do you also feel the same way ?? I have been a dub for 20 years now, and honestly dont feel that this is common amoungst the brotherhood.
Is he just a genome gone wrong, an extreamist or something worse ??
Any similar expressions you hear of ??
Surely jesus has a problem with this.