WBTS insists on Jesus' reply to the Sadducees as literal about who's gonna marry whom in the New Order because of multiple marriages in this life (asked by dudes who did not even believe in the Resurrection and were always trying to come up with some riddle to trick Jesus) is very important to the WBTS and also very STUPID. Imagine the vast preponderance of those resurrected as having been married before death. If they "neither marry nor are given in marriage," that means that the overwhelming majority of people resurrected will constitute a sexless class. Don't they like "classes!" Those that pass alive thru the Great Trib will comprise the SEXED class. So if an Armageddon survivor sees an attractive person in the New Order, the Faithful Slave will have to have some kind of ID system in place, such as a big red letter on the forehead: S(exed) or U(nsexed), so that people will know whom to court and not to court. Wonderful New Order, where all natural faculties will be restored to people (except sex). The GB imagines that THEY are not the perverts. Explains also why when illustrations are shown where resurrected family members run toward each other, WBTS studiously avoids any representation that resurrected SPOUSES are running to each other. Perverted, cruel, stupid, unkind, unloving, hateful or what? Maybe All Of The Above.
by ricoananas 8 Replies latest jw friends
Wouldnt make a difference to me if I was one of the unsexed class
Its just another one of their pathetic made up on the spot doctrines, with no logic or sense.
Just my own addendum:
Maybe I was too respectful in my congregation behavior in the face of stupid teachings like this. For example, after my wife passed and an elder told me my elimination of my meeting attendance perhaps would keep me from seeing my wife again when she gets resurrected, I thought of saying, "Yeah right, I can shake her hand and say, 'How ARE you?'" But I didn't. Afraid I guess. Any trying to reason with a blind one could be construed as apostasy. But perhaps sharing our "apostasies" like this online will have more good effect on others one way or another than casting our pearls in the congo where they will be trampled. -
I think they can tell by smell. Seriously,
Love is more than sex. Do couples stop loving one another just because that part of their lives is stopped? What about people in comas, or have other physical ailments that rule out sex from their lives? Do their mates stop loving them? I think not.
But death does end the marriage in that the living mate can remarry if they wish.
I know that the living mate can remarry if they wish but I always had the impression that either all or part of the Sadducees' motivation in asking Jesus that question was because of their own inability to imagine that Jehovah could provide a solution for the FEELINGS involved when the resurrected spouse encountered her beloved husband married to another woman, both of whom had passed thru to the New System alive. Obviously WBTS couldn't handle the idea either so they came up with their own stupid solution to the problem. So BOTH the Sadducees and WBTS were not able to handle the thing so THERE. Sadducees = WBTS. Simple solution.
My father's first wife died after a few years of marriage. He later married her cousin. Later that same year she also died. A few years after that, he married my mother, yet another cousin. (That makes my half brother and sisters my cousins). Now they are all dead. If they were all resurrected, who would he live with? Because they are not married, does that mean they have to all live a part? But then, if they are sexless,it wouldn't matter. I find the whole idea to be a crock. That is something I questioned from day one and never did get a decent answer to it. Now I no longer care.
Excellent posts, Rico, and might I add:
Thanks on both counts, Dino. If only membership and participation in the "truth" and the Borg and the KH and comradeship with the Bros & Sis felt as liberating and as right as this forum I never would have dropped out. And that's the TRUTH.
Utopian Reformist
All right. I am going to step into the past and relate what I discussed with a district overseer in NYC during the 80's.
Basically, I understood that some members of the service and writing committees and other bethelites who were privy, were specualting about the return of the original earthly garden of eden.
And, during and after the restoration, (after 1000 years and final test), supposedly, genitalia would no longer be visible or necessary. They would simply disappear, like ailments, disabilities and diseases over time.
So, the human race would have populated the earth again, in paradise, and all humans would reach a "peak" age (30-33) and everyone would enjoy a personal one-on-one with Jehovah again, like Adam did in the beginning and live forever!
That's the discussion I remember having with some brothers back then.