Any parent who wished that their child would remain a child
forever would be viewed with appropriate horror. It is heart
rending indeed for a parent to face the responsibility of a
retarded offspring, knowing that adulthood may never be achieved.
My prayers and feelings go out to such parents, knowing that
they are the greatest examples of love and compassion.
With such suffering in view, what do we make of an organization
whose determined goal is to reduce adults into virtual children
and fanatically keep them that way? What does it say about
grown Witness adults who must ask the elders or Watchtower's
permission on every aspect of life?
Can I go to this wedding?
Can I help my husband with his holiday plans (the latest QFR)?
What kind of sex can I have with my mate?
What kind of treatments involving blood AM I ALLOWED?
This is NOT the Bible's purpose of " a law written on hearts".
It is NOT Christian adulthood guided by conscience.
It IS spiritual retardation - enforced, maintained, and insisted
on by elderly rulers who want their thralls to REMAIN dependent
children forever.
The Watchtower leadership is interfering with the Christian
purpose. They are hijackers who have misdirected willing and naive
adults into perpetual spiritual immaturity.
Remember this the next time claims are made about their "doing
God's will" or being part of the Divine purpose!