Do you get the urge?

by ashitaka 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    When you're in here, and someone is crying about message-board injustice, do you get the urge to say the most sarcastic, caustic thing that comes to mind? Do you have to stop yourself? I do.

    I don't know if it's the old JW 'laugh at the next guy who's not as good as you' syndrome, but I have the silly urges to body-slam people with my words.

    Before September 11th, I always used to say, "I hate people." I thought I did. But, during that horrible week, I was listening to the radio and a kid who's dad was killed in the Pentagon talked about how much he loved his father,; I cried like a baby. I sobbed, fairly uncontrollably, for about an hour. I thought I didn't care about people, but I guess I do.

    Why do I still get the urge to castrate people with my words, though? Is this a problem for any of you guys?


  • ricoananas

    Could it be PKTSD (Post-Kamakaze-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder)?

  • Englishman


    It's OK to use words as an offence sometimes, otherwise you can be a push-over for the suppressive type of person. I choose not to do so most of the time, however I always give whingers and tantrummers the sharp edge of my tongue as I can't stand to see good decent folk wasting there own time by humouring them.

    IMO humouring a whinger only enables their habit.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • Cowboy

    Sure do Ash...It's nice to know I'm not the only one who represses it(well,ok-usually represses it).


    We ride and never worry about the fall
    I guess that's just the cowboy in us all

  • Billygoat

    It depends on my moods Ashi. I've always been a pretty quick-tempered person. But a few years ago I started learning to be a little more patient and open-minded. I started to realize that when someone makes comments/observations, I don't always have the full story. There's more to the picture than I can see.

    I remember a story of a young woman sitting on a train going to work, when a man entered the car with his three very unruly children. The kids were running around, fighting, screaming, making a nuisance of themselves to the whole car. The father just sat there staring into space, oblivious to the racket his children made. The young woman finally asked the man (in not so gentle terms) to make his kids sit down and behave. The father was very apologetic and said, "I'm so so sorry. I'm just at my wit's end. Their mother passed away and I've never really been much of a disciplinarian. I'm not sure how to handle them."

    Needless to say, the young woman realized there was more to the story than she could see and was instantly compassioned and humbled. So I try not to get too upset about things. There is almost always more to the story than I realize. To make a caustic comment or ridicule prematurely makes me look like an a$$.

    But I'm not saying I don't always feel like doing it.


  • ashitaka

    Englishman-I know what you mean

    Bils-appropriate story...that's usually how I stop myself...


  • Julie

    While I do believe in at least a little self control when it comes to addressing others, I am also not a big fan of ambiguity. When I have talked to you, you will, in no uncertain terms, know how I feel. As to all the claims I see about "if you were talking to this person in RL you'd use a different tone...". I doubt that would apply to me. I am plain-spoken and it is a rare occasion when I do not think that is the best policy. If I am kidding you know it *right then*, not after someone says "What a bitchy thing to say...". I don't make baseless assumptions and then run and hide behind the word Rhetorical and if I EVER make a criticism about myself, it WILL BE CLEAR that it is I who I am referring to. I won't have to assert (or lie about) it later, that I was stupid enough to omit terms like "me", "myself" or "I", which would clearly demonstrate just who was being referred to.

    Julie, who will take honest, plain-spoken, forth-right talk over slippery repression/"diplomacy" any day

  • joelbear

    I get urges regarding several posters here but they have nothing to do with castration.



  • logical

    to herbal

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    I myself don't spend a lot of time listening to those that seem to me to have unjustified complaints.

    All though as I get older I find I try hard to listen to peoples complaints but find it hard to listen very long.

    Life has its problems and some have legitimate complaints, but some are just little cry babies and want attention, when I find this to be the case I just do my best to ignore their whining.

    For the most part those I concider whiners, I avoid slamming them just in case I may be wrong and add to their troubles.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?

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