When you're in here, and someone is crying about message-board injustice, do you get the urge to say the most sarcastic, caustic thing that comes to mind? Do you have to stop yourself? I do.
I don't know if it's the old JW 'laugh at the next guy who's not as good as you' syndrome, but I have the silly urges to body-slam people with my words.
Before September 11th, I always used to say, "I hate people." I thought I did. But, during that horrible week, I was listening to the radio and a kid who's dad was killed in the Pentagon talked about how much he loved his father,; I cried like a baby. I sobbed, fairly uncontrollably, for about an hour. I thought I didn't care about people, but I guess I do.
Why do I still get the urge to castrate people with my words, though? Is this a problem for any of you guys?