Reincarnation....Is It Possible?
by cameo-d 9 Replies latest jw friends
Fascinating. I recommend reading Dr. Michael Newton's books, starting with Journey of Souls. There is some compelling "evidence" that supports reincarnation and explains why things happen as they do.
Here are some videos of Newton:
El Kabong
Thanks for posting this. Interesting story. Not sure I'm totally buying it, but it's an interesting story nonetheless.
The Buddhists teach that there is no permanent self. That reincarnation is like lighting a candle from one flame to another. In a way it is the same energy, in a way it is something new. Just like throughout our lifetime our body cells are constantly renewed so that we are no longer physically the same person, our personality (what we think of as the "self") is constantly in flux. I've found this to be true since I'm a very different person than I was as a JW. I'm still me, but there's very little in common with the "me" I was then.
Science has so far been unable to explain the phenomenon of consciousness. We understand a great deal about the brain, but very little about the "mind". I wouldn't be surprised if consciousness is a form of energy that doesn't become defunct when it is no longer attached to a particular brain, but rather becomes attached to a new one, perhaps even rejoining a combined "sea of consciousness" in the interim. Because the person we become depends so much on genetics and life experience and is always subject to change, it is very unlikely this energy would retain previous memories or traits.
It is also possible, that occasionly someone gets a dose of energy that is more potent than usual, which may cause memory retention or genius. If there is a finite amount of energy and our population keeps expanding, that may explain why so many people around us seem to be morons.
Any way, that's one fantastical interpretation of reincarnation.
The WT teaching of a new body getting made and the memories being edited and downloaded into it are reincarnation by another name.
Well, this just brings me to another question....
is it possible that all the "cures" offered by science both today and in past history mercury and flouride, etc ...
have always been used on humans to repress these momories or any recognition of a previous existence?
only the dead know.........and they aint least not to me dammit..........oompa
I don't want to havre to go hrough death more then once...
Why not? Everything else in nature is recycled, so why not the soul?
Cognac, if reincarnation is true, most people don't remember their previous lives let alone their previous deaths, so I wouldn't worry, if I were you. That phenomenon may be similar to infantile amnesia, where most people do not remember their very early childhood.
reincarnation makes sense to me.
We are god. We are parts of God, some call us sons of God.
When we were one with ourself, God.
We were bored.
So one of the many things we found to do with ourselves was to have material experiences.
The earth, the pleasure planet for some the pain planet for others is one place
we can come and have material experiences.
We are spirits in the material world.
If you knew who you were before I told you,
or before you started investigating.
Your time here on earth would have been like doing a crossword puzzle or playing
a pinball machine,
instead of like a trip to Disney World, Bush Gardens, or Universal Studios.
You had to deny yourself knowledge of who you were to make the whole experience
worth while.
Thats reincarnation.
When you die and go back to yourself, God, everything will go good and right
nothing will go wrong and you will get bored and come back here again
to have this material experience.
And when you do you will deny yourself of the memory of who you are,
because that is the rule that you made for yourself.
If you want a short trip you may come back as a dog or a bug.
If you want a longer trip you may come back as a tortoise or a sequoia.
If you want a really long trip you may come back as a mountain or boulder and they will
call you Buddah.
Thats reincarnation.