Kingdom Hall a labor of love - in our local paper today
by insearchoftruth 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would like to write a letter to the editor showing the other side of the org, any suggestions appreciated....I will need to be anonymous, since my wife is associated with the org....
Mrs. Fiorini
I have written letters to the editor in the past, and know of no reputable newspaper that will publish them anonymously. They always want to verify who you are and that you are willing to go on the record publicly with your views.
I am curious, are the two congregations that are going to be moving in to this new one abandoning (selling or otherwise) their current Kingdom Halls, or is this an expansion where new congregations are going to be formed?
It is a labor of love--misguided love. Invariably, it is a complete waste of money and time--but, if that's all the witlesses have to look forward to, they are going to be all for it anyways.
Have pasted the text to the article amazes me how they can write an article like this and not mention any of the beliefs of the org, yes they tied them to Russell (which I am sure a lot of active JWs did not know), but no mention of blood, about how the DCs are actively telling folks that armageddon is 'right around the corner', about missed dates......
I am not sure if it is a consolidation of two KHs or not, the way I read the article it appears that they are consolidating two congregations into one location, but really don't know.....I am pretty sure that the paper here is the same, they would want a name to be attached to the article, I just wish that they had comments for the online articles.......oh well, hopefully someone without a loved one with ties to the org will write a letter to the editor to at least expose some of the truth of the org....
Isle of wight
Kingdom Hall a labor of love
June 14, 2009
ISLE OF WIGHT — As many as 300 people from across the state, Maryland and Washington, D.C., showed up with hammer in hand and faith in their hearts Saturday for the construction of a Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall in Smithfield.
When finished, this Kingdom Hall on Scotts Factory Road will be one of many already established in Hampton Roads. There are several Kingdom Halls in the region, spreading from Williamsburg to Virginia Beach.
This plot of land was chosen because it's a central location between the Surry and Windsor congregations, said Jim Tate, project overseer for the Kingdom Hall construction. The members of those congregations will split the use of the building, he said.
It usually take two weekends to construct a Kingdom Hall. The roof was finished, floor tiles were laid and the inside of the Kingdom Hall was taking shape.
Next weekend, the Kingdom Hall will undergo its finishing touches, Tate said.
"Everything happens real fast," said Jerry Fulcher, a project coordinator for the Kingdom Hall construction. "It's like bing, bang, boom."
Jehovah's Witnesses use Kingdom Halls for the majority of their worship and Bible instruction. Kingdom Halls are nondescript as modesty and practicality trump flash and appearance.
"It's an education building to educate people about God's kingdom," said Donovan Greer, a project coordinator.
This Kingdom Hall will measure 3,900 square feet. The average Kingdom Hall is 5,000 square feet, Greer said.
Jehovah's Witnesses are members of a Christian-based religious movement. The denomination was founded near Pittsburgh in the early 1870s under the leadership of Charles Taze Russell. The movement's headquarters is in Brooklyn, N.Y.
There are nearly 7 million Witnesses worldwide, with 1 million in the United States.
Jehovah's Witnesses have to apply to take part in a Kingdom Hall construction, Fulcher said. Applicants are interviewed so their skills can be assessed to see if they can fit the needs of the construction.
"We find a role for everybody," said John Cosentino, a volunteer coordinator.
People from all walks of life apply and take part in a Kingdom Hall construction, said Greer.
"All of the work is volunteer," he said.
It's done "out of the love of the congregation," he said.
Mark Warbeck has been involved in Kingdom Hall constructions for 10 years. He's working on the sound system for the Smithfield Kingdom Hall. The Salem resident said participating in Kingdom Hall constructions "never gets old."
"It's a pleasure to do it," he said. "It gives you the warm fuzzies."Copyright © 2009, Newport News, Va., Daily Press
Why does every news article about JWs have to mention something negative about them? Seriously, does the blood issue really have anything to do with building a Kingdom hall? I mean 300 people framed an office building in 3 what? It's a new building, it's newsworthy, and nothing in the article is incorrect. I don't understand why so many of us ex-JWs seems to feel so threatened just because they get a bit of positive publicity once in a while.
Fair comment B_Deserter......
You are right.
Also, embellishing stories does nothing but make us look like fools.
C'mon people, dubs didn't kill six million Jews either. And they are not all bad people either.
I agree with those who say unneccesary negative comments don't serve any useful purpose. Those who work on these projects really do offer their time freely and the completion of the projects in such a short time really is pretty remarkable.