Video of Talk Regarding Higher Education (Italian w/ English Subs)

by Yizuman 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yizuman
  • asilentone

    I have seen it many times, I am bringing this BTTT in case few others have not seen it yet.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Ho sentito quel'esperienza del giovane compulsivo. E daverro incredibile che la gente sbattevano le mani per quesso.

    I know I've heard that "true experience" a couple of times before even among the english. I'm saddened that alot of italian publishers were clapping their hands at that! At least, I can't say I recall any english people clapping at it..

    P.S. Anal detail: by the way the speaker was pronouncing some words, i wouldn't say Italian was his first language...more spanish, but he still speaks impressively well and i couldn't hold a candle to it.

  • cabasilas

    Losch continues the anti-education push in this lecture in English:

  • WTWizard

    I couldn't even tolerate the Kingdumb Malady "Flee to God's Kingdumb". That reminds me of when I would cringe at the thought of Christmas music, and kill the audio whenever a Christmas album was advertised so I wouldn't get that song in my head.

  • cabasilas

    Sorry about that. The lecture doesn't begin until about 4:50 min in to the file.

  • TheOldHippie

    He is from Austria, so German - or naturally, the Austrian form of it - is his native tongue, but he has Italian as his first foreign language, as he comes from the parts of Austria bordering on Italy. He has no connection with Spain.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Thanks for letting me know he has Austrian descent. Its obvious Italian isn't his native language but the way he pronounces them mimics more how I've heard Spanish people speak it rather than germans. Anal detail as I said...but I definitely couldn't catch any hints of the gutteral german or austrian accent there.

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