at the KH recently, we had a few people move in from other areas. most of these have been JWs for more than 5 years. some have come in and within a short period of time they were appointed as elders, others as MS, and so on. there was one couple who came in, and they had all the credentials of the perfect JW couple. everyone fell over backwards and treated them like gold. however, there is another couple that moved in around the same time. he was never an elder or ms although he was baptised for the last 10 years minimum. she never pioneered. they both work full time and struggle in just getting to the meetings on time together, although they are very regular in fs and being at the meetings. with the exception of a few of us, no one has done anything or gone out of the way to assist these ones or make friends with them.
i have found that in the past, i would typically look at credentials of those moving in and decide then and there if i was going to be friends or not. i have found that i would sometimes view people as if they were applying for a job.
now, i do not look at that at all. in fact, i tend to shy away from the perfect JW. i think that being here has helped me appreciate people even more for who they are.
have you ever been in this position, either side of it? i just needed to write this since i had this floating in my head for a few days now.