I realize that the info about the stroke of gb member Jaracz did get out. But is it not amazing how any further info seems to be locked down. There are many with some connections, but there seems to be no info being allowed to get out about his condition. Might be just me, but it seems a bit wierd. Most times with peoples concern about a person that is ill further info about there recovery would be welcome news. Anywho, might be just me.
thier control is amazing
by booby 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It is weird. Weirder yet is the fact that most jw's do not even know him by name much less know he was ill or care. Love in the org, they don't even know if their fearless leader is at deaths door, nursing home or will come back to vote on God's supposed new light another day.
They love that aura of mystique that surrounds GB members.
I bet word would get out if his stroke changed his brain so he turned apostate or if he died. In the first case, he would be faulted for something that is beyond his control; in the second, Losch would be his successor.
And, if Losch rules it, watch out for the Second Dark Ages.
Will Power
Maye they're planning a resurrection?
Blithe Freshman
Maybe since he's missed meetings & service they've forgotten all about him. If someone bumps into him , they'll ask, "Where have you been?", then maybe we'll hear a report.
That is so right on the reality, even if/though you are having fun. How many experienced that scenario, I know I did. Only wish that could be happening to him.