Crop circles - the work of demons or E.T.s?

by truthseeker 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    What do you make of this? It seems to complex to be a hoax and one would need an optical perspective to make this kind of pattern.

    Even if that were possible, how could this be done in one evening under cover of dark?

    Phoenix crop circle may predict end of the world
    Crop circle experts believe the latest pattern to be discovered, a phoenix rising from the flames in Wiltshire, may give a warning about the end of the world.

    Published: 12:21PM BST 15 Jun 2009

    Comments 18 | Comment on this article

    Phoenix crop circle: Phoenix crop circle may predict end of the world

    The 400-foot design was discovered in a barley field in Yatesbury near Devizes and depicts the mythical phoenix reborn as it rises from the ashes.

    Investigators claim more formations are referencing the possibility of a cataclysmic event occurring on December 21, 2012, which coincides with the end of the ancient Mayan calendar.

    The Mayans believed civilisation exists within a series of earth cycles of 144,000 days each with the 13th expiring in December 2012, resulting in Armageddon.

    Crop circle enthusiast Karen Alexander, from Gosport, Hants, said: "The phoenix is a mythical creature which symbolises rebirth and a new era in many cultures across the world.

    "Within the crop circle community many believe the designs are constantly referring to December 21 and its aftermath.

    "This could be interpreted as the human race or earth rising again after a monumental event.

    "The patterns are becoming more intricate with every find and it is exciting to think how they are going to evolve by the time we get to 2012."

    Recent crop circles have included giant jelly-fish and one image discovered in Wiltshire in June which experts dubbed the most 'mind boggling' they had ever come across.

    The formation, measuring 150ft in diameter, is apparently a coded image representing the first 10 digits, 3.141592654, of pi.

    Crop circle experts believe the latest pattern to be discovered, a phoenix rising from the flames in Wiltshire, may give a warning about the end of the world.

  • shopaholic

    E.T.s...It's there way of tagging the planet. Besides, it couldn't be demons, they're too busy oppressing and leading astray the JWs.

  • looloo

    it was me !!!!

  • BurnTheShips
    the work of demons or E.T.s?

    How about neither?

    Here they are at work.

  • mindmelda

    Wow, how artistic! Why would aliens know anything about human mythology and recreate a mythological symbol?

    Looks like the work of a random bunch of struggling artists to me.

  • Prov1320

    It's called art. Can easily be done with software and GPS. Over the years with advancing technology the circles have become even more complex.

    Sorry to burst your bubble.

  • mrsjones5

    My daughter loved the idea of crop circles after seeing the movie "Signs". She thought they were real until we watched a show that detailed how those complicated circles are created. Bursted my baby's bubble.


  • Finally-Free
    It's called art. Can easily be done with software and GPS.

    Exactly. I was bored one day so I created a "crop circle" of the watchtower logo cut into a rocky terrain, and even animated it with a "fly through". I used Vue Infinite software, and I did it under an hour, including render time.


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