The Watchtower organization has been playing matchmaker for years, matching up couples simply on the basis of the "truth". Often times little is known about the other person. Are these marriages really sucessful in their "spiritual Paradise"? Listen in to the six screens of the Watchtower conference call Saturday night June 20,2009 starting at 6:30 p.m.EST. This conference call will be an abbreviated call lasting about 1 hour 45 minutes. Join us on the call. It's easy to get in just dial (712)432-8710. When asked for pin number use 9925. There is no charge for the call, just your normal calling rate applies. Following this call will be a special program entitled "In Search of Truth" which will begin at p.m.EST.
Marriages made in Brooklyn!
by koolaid-man 4 Replies latest jw friends
Kool-aid man, I don't know what kind of criteria you use to recruit guests for your conference call, but there's this bridge I'd like to sell you. PM me and I'll tell you ALL about this great opportunity!!
What ever the criteria,it is attracting large amounts of people. The org. has caused many problems in jw marriages,and it deserves attention.When you hear some of these horror stories you will be glad the subject was brought up.
I believe divorce is higher among JW marriages than the national average. Many JW kids marry so young and so unprepared. Some are older getting married and however, still there is a high rate of divorce. Some have problems but the elders just tell them to make it to the meetings and go out in service and then all will be well. Kinda like the Catholic priests saying when their people come to them with their probs, their basic fix it to say so many Hail Marys and then all will be well. They have their superstitious problem fixers that don't fix anything.
The ability to hear real people talking about their plight in the Watchtower organization is helping so many people to look for the exit door at the Kingdom Hall. The conference call format brings to life the stories of all those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower". To listen to past recorded calls hit this link.