Five beneficial reasons why not knowing the day or hour can help us - another recording from the DC

by insearchoftruth 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • insearchoftruth

    Did not capture anything but the overarching topics here....but more on the end.....

    Five beneficial reasons why not knowing the day or hour can help us.

    Listened to another section of AuntBee’s recording, here are the five points the speaker makes why it is good we don’t know……the focus sure seems to be on distancing themselves from the missed dates, while still stirring up a lot of fear and concern about being ‘at the end of the end’.

    1. Reveals who we are.

    1. Makes Jehovah’s heart glad

    1. Helps to satisfy selfish goals while stimulating further self sacrifice, allowing you and I to simplify our lives in order to look at our circumstances and situations how they change and seize new opportunities to increase our spreading of the world. This bolsters our conviction that the end is upon us.

    1. Rely more fully on Jehovah. He is trustworthy, faithful and true to his promise. We can demonstrate our belief by our actions.

    1. It refines us, Psalm 119, vs 71. (its good for us if we suffer, only if we allow the suffering to be a tool for Jehovah.
  • dmouse

    All this DC stuff sounds to me like the Society are preparing the flock for some disappointing noo light - i.e. Armaggedon may occur at any time but possibly not in your lifetime.

  • passwordprotected

    I agree...

  • sir82
    All this DC stuff sounds to me like the Society are preparing the flock for some disappointing noo light - i.e. Armaggedon may occur at any time but possibly not in your lifetime.

    I don't think they'd ever say that. People would be flying out the door even faster than they are now.

  • sspo

    It's been 2000 years since christians have been waiting for the Almighty to bring the end.

    Every generation has been waiting for it.

    I wonder if it's nothing but a big joke????????

  • WTWizard

    It also sets people up to waste their whole lives waiting for something that doesn't show up. Sort of like Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin, which did not show up--he missed out on the trick or treating waiting.

    People can waste their whole lives knocking on doors and going to boasting sessions, putting things like education and personal fulfillment on permanent hold. Of course, without personal fulfillment, there is no purpose for us to even be here at all--why Jehovah couldn't have done it Himself or used the stones (which have no personal needs) to spread the message (and more likely get better results, since people would be more likely to respond to a talking stone than a talking human).

    Besides, what is the point in having so many stupid rules? All you really need is one: Thou shalt not initiateth the usage of force, threats of force, or fraud against another person or their property. Any other rule is only going to inhibit people, narrow their experiences, and prevent society from moving forward at top speed. People that violate this rule would be shunned (and possibly even killed, if self-defense requires it), while those of us who just want to mind our own business without having the Unholy Bible, Quran, or the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery interfering will not have to worrry about an adverse judgment at some time in the "near" future.

  • shopaholic

    Armaggedon may occur at any time but possibly not in your lifetime.

    This isn't new, they've been saying this for several years now. Its common for JWs to say "Even if Armaggedon (or the great tribulation) doesn't occur during my lifetime, at least I would've died faithful."

  • civicsi00
    This isn't new, they've been saying this for several years now. Its common for JWs to say "Even if Armaggedon (or the great tribulation) doesn't occur during my lifetime, at least I would've died faithful."

    Exactly, it's all about belonging to the "true" religion. Instead of setting dates, they're going to focus even more on staying "separate from the world". I feel this is something the younger crowd could care less about. Without setting dates, the urgency is not there to quickly join and make sure to be inside the "ark of salvation". Sure, there's going to be pressure for young ones from parents and relatives to get baptized and seek higher positions within the congregation, but it's not likely to happen too often.

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