Artifical sweeteners in your water.

by sammielee24 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    Artificial Sweeteners May Contaminate Water Downstream Of Sewage Treatment Plants And Even Drinking Water

    ScienceDaily (June 18, 2009) — Sewage treatment plants fail to remove artificial sweeteners completely from waste water. What’s more, these pollutants contaminate waters downstream and may still be present in our drinking water. Thanks to their new robust analytical method, which simultaneously extracts and analyses seven commonly used artificial sweeteners, Marco Scheurer, Heinz-Jürgen Brauch and Frank Thomas Lange from the Water Technology Center in Karlsruhe, Germany, were able to demonstrate the presence of several artificial sweeteners in waste water.

      Their findings are published online this week in Springer’s journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.

    A range of artificial sweeteners are commonly used in food and drinks, as well as drugs and sanitary products. The potential health risks of artificial sweeteners have been debated for some time. Until now, only sucralose has been detected in aquatic environments. Through the use of a new analytical method, the researchers were able to look for seven different artificial sweeteners (cyclamate, acesulfame, saccharin, aspartame, neotame, neohesperidin dihydrochalcone and sucralose) simultaneously, and show, for the first time, that a number of commonly used artificial sweeteners are present in German waste and surface water.

    Scheurer and colleagues collected water samples from two sewage treatment plants in Germany – Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen and Karlsruhe – as well as from a soil aquifer treatment site located in a Mediterranean country that treats secondary effluent from a sewage treatment plant.

    They tested the water samples using their new analytical method and detected four (acesulfame, saccharin, cyclamate, and sucralose) of seven artificial sweeteners in the waters from the two German sewage treatment plants, indicating incomplete elimination during waste water treatment. Their analyses also showed that these pollutants contaminate rivers and streams receiving water from the sewage treatment plants.

    The authors then compared the conventional waste water treatment by sewage treatment plants with advanced waste water treatment by soil aquifer treatment. Traces of artificial sweeteners were present in both cases, proof that water purification was incomplete.

    Marco Scheurer concludes: “Due to the use of artificial sweeteners as food additives, the occurrence of artificial sweetener traces in the aquatic environment might become a primary issue for consumer acceptance.”

  • SnakesInTheTower

    and what about the hormones and other pharmaceuticals in our drinking water? Even if you are not flushing pills down the toilet, your body does not completely break down your prescriptions.... into the toilet and out into the sewer to the waste water treatment plant and on to the river, ocean, etc...

    My step dad just retired as an operator at a waste treatment plant in S. Florida....the stories he tells...... makes you want to stop drinking water if that were possible....

    ....if we knew half of what is in our food and water we would be worried. I prefer, in this case, to remain blissfully unaware....because there is little I can do about it. Have to eat, drink, and breathe. I figure something will kill me sooner or later. lol

    Snakes ()

  • WTWizard

    What happens when they start putting the crap in the water on purpose, like they did with fluoride, so they can ruin people's brains en masse and seize control of the whole population? I believe that is next--and, once that happens, it will inadvertently make it easier for the Washtowel Slaveholdery to seize control and plunge the whole world into the Second Dark Ages.

    Who says that all terrorists are Muslim?

  • leavingwt


  • sammielee24
    What happens when they start putting the crap in the water on purpose, like they did with fluoride

    I believe it is in England, where they wanted to put sedatives into the water system. They feel that it would even out the feelings that people have and that it would eliminate any depression etc. Now, thats an interesting thought, since the last mega studies came out and said that all those anti-depressents do nothing more than a placebo as far as fixing the problem...but the drugs do cause more issues which require more and different drugs to fix that.

    Read the information on digital television from analog across the world and you will find there are some really interesting studies on why various countries have held off on forcing their citizens to use digital. Seems the electronic fields wreak havoc on people and animals...sammieswife.

  • m.seagull

    but sedatives are in a different class of drug than anti-depressant...

    they really wanted to put sedatives in water? wow. sedating substances running the risk of addiction, that seems very...weird.


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