Phase 1 - Transfusions cause death, AIDS, hepatitis, infections, complications during surgery, blood rejection of the body etc etc etc....hundreds of negative articles convince you the blood is TOXIC POISON! Why would you want it. Although doctors tell you in an emergecy if you lose 4 litres you will die without one, and complications with blood are rare.
Phase 2 - You can live forever in Paradise if you don't have one and die.
Phase 3 - Many people have survived without's over-rated. Many have made "miraculous" recoveries from near death after refusing blood.
Phase 4 - Non-blood substitutes are just as good as blood. Volume expanders, drugs to increase red cells, improved surgery tecniques....all these things work just as well...some have commented that soldiers used Coconut milk Transfusions during the war! The truth is, without oxygen from the blood people will go into a Coma and die....sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly.
Notice the Witness Blood brochure uses a great distraction method on it's readers : Title - "How can Blood SAVE your life?"