by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

        January 1, 2015  News

        "Walmart and the Watchtower are joining forces to help bring Low Wages and Minimal Education to all the inhabited world!  The Governing Body is pleased to announce!  "By studying Walmart and their tactics of dealing with anyone who want's a better life, dealing with Unions (apostates)  and other agencies who fight injustices the Governing Body is pleased to announce a strategic venture with Walmart!   Tight-Pants Tony said "Janitors without Borders is not a charity but a work-force we will use to fight the Gay Apparel Agenda!"

      Walmart is going to train the Witness how to be a Janitor and learn to live off low wages by filling out Government Paperwork to collect benefits only low income poverty stricken people are eligible for!  Tight Pant-Tony said "This will keep them from attending college and thinking for themselves, Witnesses don't need College when the End is so close!"

        Have you ever thought of how the Watchtower and Walmart are alike?  Their methods are identical  in many ways, think of their business model and how they destroy their human capital   So many examples of how the Watchtower and Walmart are alike is obvious once you see where my crazy thread goes!  

    1.  Walmart tells their employees "You don't need a Pension because you have Social Security coming from your $8 a hour paycheck!"

        Watchtower say's "You don't need a Pension because The End will come so don't worry about placing to much importance on providing for your Old Age because "The World is passing away!".

    2.  Walmart hands out to their employees applications to get Food Stamps because they know their employees can't make enough money working for Poverty wages.  The Middle Class end up giving Walmart Employees the "E.I.C. Tax Credit" plus Food Stamps.

      The Watchtower brings people back from Missionary Assignments after decades of service and throws them on the Public Dole.  Elders are taught to help Witnesses fill out W.I.C. paperwork and Food Stamps for low income Watchtower Publishers.  Who do you think is paying for the Watchtower's Low Wage Work Force?  "You don't want to shoot for the stars when the World is about to End do you?"  Watchtower Magazines show anyone with money as some smiling money loving man on one page and on page two he's yelling at his wife over bills while the Poor Witnesses are holding hands out in Field Service!

       Walmart is accused of misconduct all the time, if you try to make things better by bringing in a Union they attack you with name calling and bullying tactics.  Walmart's Leaders are beyond questioning and even with their great wealth feel no obligation to share with their employees.  There's a Forbes Article that say's Walmart could pay $15 a hour and still make enough to satisfy shareholders!

    The Watchtower Leaders are never wrong, it's the Average Joe Rank-and-File who are mislead!  The Watchtower Writers knowingly lied about the End-Time Dates being promoted by the Watchtower and still they wrote that it was the Witness who took "things out of context" and "were over-zealous about 1914 to 1975" and "This Generation Will Never End!".  Watchtower Leaders could make life easier for their followers by allowing people to have opinions without spreading fear throughout their ranks!  The Watchtower is like the Union Busting Goons the early companies used with bats and steel bars to break up anyone they think is a Apostate.  

       It's a fact that Walmart is a drag on local governments and eventually the Tax Payer will pay the bills for all the cheap goods everyone is use to buying.  Nobody care's it's all junk, nobody care's the workers have to work holidays with low pay.  The Watchtower has kept most of their followers in perpetual poverty and you know who is going to have to pay for their bad advice, the Tax Payer will!   I could list so many other ways the Watchtower and Walmart are identical but you get the idea!  

  • Honesty
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  • AndDontCallMeShirley


    Don't work for Walmart

    Don't be a Jehovah's Witness.

    The free market eventually wins everytime. 

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  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    1.  Walmart tells their employees "You don't need a Pension because you have Social Security coming from your $8 a hour paycheck!"

    Walmart has a 401k with a 100% match.  Pensions have been declining for decades in most sectors.

    $8 an hour is starting pay for an entry level position that requires no education nor advance skills.

    With that being said I wouldn't recommend anyone to get a job at Walmart.  It is low pay and impossible to live off unless you become a manager.

    2.  Walmart hands out to their employees applications to get Food Stamps because they know their employees can't make enough money working for Poverty wages.  The Middle Class end up giving Walmart Employees the "E.I.C. Tax Credit" plus Food Stamps.

    An outright lie.  I've been a manager for Walmart nearly 19 years and never handed out applications to get food stamps.  If it has happened it was not by company directions.

    Walmart does benefit the most by government assistance.  I believe Walmart received near 14 billion in SNAP money and their employees cost the government around $6 billion in some type of assistance.  So a nice $20 billion for the tax payers.  It is estimated however walmart saved American families $257 billion in purchases (2006 statistics)

    I'm not a supporter of Walmart, but tired of people spouting talking points they read as if its fact.  Or worst make up their own lies.  I can speak from experience.  I started at Walmart at $4.75 an hour in 1995 and now make over $60,000.  I'm only an Assistant Manager which is the lowest level of salary manager.  You can make money in Walmart if you are motivated. I don't enjoy my job nor agree with their pay policy.  So I'm changing career.  That's what a free market is about.

    The $15 an hour pay that keeps being spoken of for low skill workers may not be a solution.  It will interesting to see the results in the cities that implement it.


    A starting teacher in my area makes $32,000 a year.  That is someone who completed four years of college and may have between $6k to $18k in student loan debt.  So you want McDonalds, Walmart, and such to pay low skilled 18 year old kids $30,000 a year?  That is what $15 comes to at 40 hours a week.  That also doesn't include all the other cost (workers comp insurance, medical, dental, unemployment insurance, ect..)

    Again I'm not pro walmart but if you are going to make an argument it needs to be accurate and factual.  There is plenty of things wrong with Walmart.  The real solution if you hate the company is don't shop there and don't work there.

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  • Vidiot
    I gotta say; I never saw the similarities between Watchtowistan and Sprawlmart before. :grinning:
  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I gotta say; I never saw the similarities between Watchtowistan and Sprawlmart before


    There are a lot of similarities:

    Both have a "W", an "a", a "r", an "e" and a "T" in their names. 


    ("Sprawlmart". Good one. I think you will single-handedly re-write the English language, Vidiot. LOL. I'm adding yet another word to my Vidctionary)

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

       Hey did you see this headline and did you hear about the high ranking Walmart Leader who got fired for lying about his education.  It reminds me of the liars on the New World Translation Committee who allowed rumors to swirl that they knew Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew like scholars do.  There was nobody on that project that was better than several JWN Members we have here.  Did you know we have JWN Members who are more skilled than the Watchtower's fake scholars?  Watchtower's made sure their claims would not be challenged by their rank-and-file through harsh 1800s Union Busting tactics, look what happened to anyone asking questions about the New-New-New World Translation book.   

      The Watchtower knows you need a degree in this World to reach higher levels of employment, so to combat the thinking skills associated with sites like JWN they tell you  not to go to school or listened to the "smooth talk of educated Ex-JWs who will trick you with Biblical Truths!  

        Scott Thompson (Yahoo) got fired for lying about his education credentials too, do you see the likeness of Cults and Cutthroat Greedy Businesses, they both are in it for the Loot!

    Scott Thompson (Education does matter!) http://money.cnn.com/2012/05/13/technology/yahoo-ceo-out/


    Walmart’s Food Stamp Scam Explained in One Easy Chart


    Walmart CEO Doug McMillon: We'll Do Away With Minimum Wage Pay In New Year


       "WE DO AWAY WITH APOSTATES IN 2015" I heard some make this claim because they are going to be exonerated because the End is Coming in 2015!

  • Vidiot

    Shirley - "'Sprawlmart'. Good one. I think you will single-handedly re-write the English language..."

    Afraid I can't claim credit for that one; it's from an old Simpsons episode.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Maybe with the members they are like Walmart.  But their business model is closer to McDonald's in that the money is in franchises and real estate,  and occasionally in the product (books and magazines vs. hamburgers).
  • WTWizard

    At least Walmart doesn't bust up families for breaking a stupid rule.  The worst that can happen is you get fired.  Yes, they will ruin your career by giving you a bad reference.  But, they do not make your children treat you as if you are dead for refusing to comply, and especially if you break a rule while not at Walmart.

    Shopping?  At least Walmart sells a few products that give minimal value.  They do have Christmas decorations in season (though not as good as the ones you can get online).  You can get batteries and electronics there--again, I suggest going online.  And there are a few grocery items Walmart has that are hard to find.  But, for the most part, I have found I can do without them.

    And, when is the last time you are forced to sign a legally binding contract, without even knowing it is legally binding or even a contract, just to get a few batteries?  When is the last time you saw someone getting led to sign their lives and souls away just so they can get some cheap clothing that they could have gone to L.L. Bean and gotten better quality?  The worst that can happen to the shoppers is that they waste their money replacing things that break prematurely.  Which is not as bad as the washtowel.


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