January 1, 2015 News
"Walmart and the Watchtower are joining forces to help bring Low Wages and Minimal Education to all the inhabited world! The Governing Body is pleased to announce! "By studying Walmart and their tactics of dealing with anyone who want's a better life, dealing with Unions (apostates) and other agencies who fight injustices the Governing Body is pleased to announce a strategic venture with Walmart! Tight-Pants Tony said "Janitors without Borders is not a charity but a work-force we will use to fight the Gay Apparel Agenda!"
Walmart is going to train the Witness how to be a Janitor and learn to live off low wages by filling out Government Paperwork to collect benefits only low income poverty stricken people are eligible for! Tight Pant-Tony said "This will keep them from attending college and thinking for themselves, Witnesses don't need College when the End is so close!"
Have you ever thought of how the Watchtower and Walmart are alike? Their methods are identical in many ways, think of their business model and how they destroy their human capital So many examples of how the Watchtower and Walmart are alike is obvious once you see where my crazy thread goes!
1. Walmart tells their employees "You don't need a Pension because you have Social Security coming from your $8 a hour paycheck!"
Watchtower say's "You don't need a Pension because The End will come so don't worry about placing to much importance on providing for your Old Age because "The World is passing away!".
2. Walmart hands out to their employees applications to get Food Stamps because they know their employees can't make enough money working for Poverty wages. The Middle Class end up giving Walmart Employees the "E.I.C. Tax Credit" plus Food Stamps.
The Watchtower brings people back from Missionary Assignments after decades of service and throws them on the Public Dole. Elders are taught to help Witnesses fill out W.I.C. paperwork and Food Stamps for low income Watchtower Publishers. Who do you think is paying for the Watchtower's Low Wage Work Force? "You don't want to shoot for the stars when the World is about to End do you?" Watchtower Magazines show anyone with money as some smiling money loving man on one page and on page two he's yelling at his wife over bills while the Poor Witnesses are holding hands out in Field Service!
Walmart is accused of misconduct all the time, if you try to make things better by bringing in a Union they attack you with name calling and bullying tactics. Walmart's Leaders are beyond questioning and even with their great wealth feel no obligation to share with their employees. There's a Forbes Article that say's Walmart could pay $15 a hour and still make enough to satisfy shareholders!
The Watchtower Leaders are never wrong, it's the Average Joe Rank-and-File who are mislead! The Watchtower Writers knowingly lied about the End-Time Dates being promoted by the Watchtower and still they wrote that it was the Witness who took "things out of context" and "were over-zealous about 1914 to 1975" and "This Generation Will Never End!". Watchtower Leaders could make life easier for their followers by allowing people to have opinions without spreading fear throughout their ranks! The Watchtower is like the Union Busting Goons the early companies used with bats and steel bars to break up anyone they think is a Apostate.
It's a fact that Walmart is a drag on local governments and eventually the Tax Payer will pay the bills for all the cheap goods everyone is use to buying. Nobody care's it's all junk, nobody care's the workers have to work holidays with low pay. The Watchtower has kept most of their followers in perpetual poverty and you know who is going to have to pay for their bad advice, the Tax Payer will! I could list so many other ways the Watchtower and Walmart are identical but you get the idea!