JT's comment has got me thinking that just as the U.S. Government is going to be going after terrorists and their entities relentlessly, that perhaps the U.S. also should make it against the law to have or be a member of any religious organization that functions "from the top down", or undemocratically. I especially have a certain Theocratic Terrorist Entity in mind.
by ricoananas 3 Replies latest jw friends
Nathan Natas
I think it is interesting that C.T. Russell originally structured the organization in a "bottom-up" style. If I recall correctly, it was Joe "Good Times" Rutherford who, realizing what a wonderfully effective snare and racket he could operate, began the changes that give us what we see today.
Perhaps in an alternate reality in another dimension Russell's original intentions (and his Last Will & Testament) were abided by. I wonder what the borg in that alternate reality is like? I'll have to inquire of a metaphysician, I guess...
Of course, we do have the International Bible Students even today... but I'm not familiar with them or their problems - and not particularly interested in spending my time researching them too seriously. If anyone can provide a 'capsule summary" of the organization and the problems of the bible Students (particularly anecdotes from FORMER members) I would find that an interesting read.
Hey Nathan, thanks for reminding us. No wonder those loyal to Charles Taze went into such fits of hysteria when the Borg started to invert itself. For them it was "the Nothing is coming, the Nothing is coming", but it was going to be much worse than plain old Nothing. Maybe like Satan. Or Hitler. Which reminds me, Fascistic Nazism was from the Top Down also. Interesting that JFR started doing his shtick contemporaneously with Hitler. I guess when in doubt, fight Hitler with Hitler and say "Why, they're NOT AT ALL the same."
Rico A.
Rico...don't know if this helps but the US tolerate white racist 'churches'.....so I think there is a large degree of tolerance in the US.....I posted about this some time back..
* http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=16647&site=3#202605