In my state, it is legal to conceal carry if you have a state issued license to do so. It is also a "Shall Issue" state, which means the state must give you said license unless you are prohibited by law to own a firearm. Last time I checked, there are over 1 million licensed CCW holders in the state.
The only place you cannot carry is post offices, inside a courtroom and some parks and schools and posted private property. So, let's say Wal-Mart doesn't want armed customers, they would have to post a sign saying firearms are not allowed in the store. This action is known as "business sucide", as everyone has guns here. There are no laws addressing open carry. This means also that there are no laws prohibiting carry in churches or bars. I have to say that it is rare to see anyone open carry since concealed carry is so widespread.
I don't know how many ladies and/or gentlemen are armed during Sunday AM worship services in my small county church, but let's just say I pitty anyone who busts in with evil on their mind. I feel that Christians are well within their rights to be armed.