Sams club members in the south...avoid these 2 products!

by restrangled 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Castle Wood reserve lunch meats.....they are the most rubbery disgusting lunch meats I have ever purchased in my life.

    I am currently feeding them to the dog for "treats"......Gag!

    Their in house Pizza was so sickening, I had to throw it out.


  • PEC

    Why not take the meat back and get your money back, that is the only way they will know and stop selling the crap.


  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Why not take the meat back and get your money back, that is the only way they will know and stop selling the crap.

    I agree with PEC, I would take the Meat back.

  • Kahlua

    Castle Wood is definitely not that good. I bought one of the combo packs and had only tried the ham. It wasn't great but I put lots of mustard and lettuce on it so guess I didn't notice too much.

    My daughter tried the turkey earlier today. After I saw your thread I asked her what she thought of it. She said it's definitely not Boars Head.

    Guess I will buy the BH when it's on sale from now on.

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