Snubbed by a jdub - No surprise there!

by iveseenthelight 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • iveseenthelight

    Sorry I have to vent! I havent been on here is months but couldnt think of anywhere else to off load!

    I reunited briefly with a "sister" who I knew about 13 years ago via facebook. I was about 16 at the time and she was travelling the UK (From Oz) and needed a place to stay, as per usual the elders in my cong thought the most appropriate person would be my mother (single parent) lets let the nice lady stay rent free for a couple weeks. Anyway, this sister turned out to be ok and I was quite happy to find her on FB. Anyway after a couple hours of chatting and catching up I happened to mention that I no longer attended meetings. She promptly deleted me as a friend from her site. Nice. The thing that got me was that she gave all this spiel about not wanting to associate with me as I had disassociated myself (I hadn’t I just stopped going) and what got me even madder is that she is separated from her husband...when since has separation in the troof been allowed. I was not judging her, or trying to get her to leave I respected that fact that after all these years she still was a believer. But she couldn't respect that i wasn't. It really bothered me. She is such a hypocrite! I was so hurt because I really liked her. Silly cow.

    I have no idea why I was surprised by this behaviour; they are all a bunch of hypocrites!

  • MidwichCuckoo

    they are all a bunch of hypocrites!

    Yep - the vast majority certainly are, and they're too stupid to see it! There's no excuse for this sort of behaviour - she may be a tad scared of associating with you on internet (as any real JW would not actively associate with D'fed or weak ones, especialy via Satan's tool - the Net)...maybe she'll change her mind.

    PS..whereabouts are you in England? (can PM me if you don't want to post )

  • ziddina

    Oh, I'veseenthelight, sorry to hear that happened to you. But look at it this way - at least you have a pretty good insight into the woman's real character - she lacks the strength to oppose the edicts of the WTBTS, and you really don't want someone so weak-willed and easily led as this woman appears to be, as your friend, do you?

    WE like you!!


  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I'm sorry you had to experience the pain of being treated so disrespectfully. On the positive side, better to find out she is not capable of being a real friend to you sooner than later. Too bad she is still stuck in a mind control cult. Stories like this just serve to remind me how thankful I am to have escaped.

  • Gayle

    She was only a 'conditional' friend then. These kind of people we have outgrown and therefore these people are threatened in their own mind.

  • loosie

    LOL Shunning on facebook. gotta love it. I found an old friend on facebook. she left the truth in her youth to go have 3 kids 2 different daddies. then she came back in. While she was out I got married to a brother and we moved to another state. we have been out for 4 years. ( just stopped going)

    When I found her on facebook, I added her. we chatted once. then she deleted me. She won't tell me why. I think what happened was she looked at the groups I have joined. One of the groups is "exposing the falsehoods of the WT."

  • And He Ran
    And He Ran

    Sorry to hear of your experience iveseenthelight. Sad, but not surprising. Most JWs are ruled by fear, primarily fear of THOSE WHO HAVE LEFT in case you "infect" them.

  • iveseenthelight

    Thank you guys, I have calmed down since my rant. And its true, i don't need her as a friend....its good to vent

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