This thought came up while I was thinking of Michael Jackson's father Joe. I'm not sure if he was Witness or one of those husbands that shows up for the memorial and an occasional public talk. Anyway here is what I've noticed. Witness women who have "unbelieving mates are often left out of a lot of social activities however their "unbelieving mates" are treated like royalty whenever they do show for a meeting or some sort of get together. Some of them seem to milk this status for years. Has anyone else noticed this behavior in Witnesses?
Unbelieving Husband's Status
by I quit! 6 Replies latest jw friends
yeah - my father. my mother is jw and some of my family. my dad will go to the occasional get together and the memorial and will show up when i have a public talk. people, especially the other sisters, claw all over him. they love him. i will admit, he is one smooth character, but i think he plays the game because he likes the attention, especially from the sisters.
My theory:
A) The unbelieving husband has to be treated well so he can be sucked in; hopefully ASAP. So, it makes sense for the sisters to try to flirt and / or play up to any weakness perceived by paying extra attention. Most unbelieving husbands try to understand why their wives would be sucked into that cult and go to do just that. Then they get fawned over. Most men enjoy that especially since their JW wives no longer enjoy sex (WT requirement).
B) The wife of unbelieving husband has to be kept slightly off to the side in case she gets divorced. Then suddenly she is a threat to every JW wife out there. If there is a social relationship, the newly divorced wife might need friendship and turn to the married JWs for advice and comfort. Those sisters have husbands who might find newly divorced sister interesting; and could comfort her. As elders and MSs are sometimes prone to do to needy sisters. Emotionally needy. Watched it happen to my Mom.
So, JW sisters are friendly to unbelieving man to get him in The Truth. Not so friendly to JW sister with unbelieving husband because of potential for divorce and possible threat to her own marriage.
knows better
me = UBM. I m pretty much ignored by the elders, and MS's. when i say ignored i mean just that. like i don't exist for the most part. Their wifes generally are nicer, women in general in the cong. will at least exchange greetings.
This is common in my KH too.
For my KH it is because women are worthless and men are valuable.
Forget the fact that women account for 90% of time reported (real and fake).
We have plenty of MS and Elders too..... for them it is all about loyalty, support and alliance of brotherhood.
I quit!
I also believe your father is working the system Rockmehardplace. Hopefully he will never get suck in.
I think your right about treating them well to try to suck them in VIII. The Children of God used to do that in the 70's only they would go a little farther(like have sex with them) to lure them in. I think your points are valid VIII.
I'm sure your name "knows better" explains why you are a UBM. Best way to attend a KH but watch out... they will continue to try to steal your brain.
I hope you can at some point get away from the WT Ynot. I don't think they will ever view women as equals and it has got to hard for women that are intelligent follow the advice of a guy with an IQ of 70 but thems the rules. Religions that oppress women are shooting themselves in the foot. Women have a lot to offer and they don't take advantage of it.
since their JW wives no longer enjoy sex (WT requirement).