Facebook --- again

by rockmehardplace 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • rockmehardplace

    one of the JWs in my congo told me to search a name on facebook which is a 18+ year old brother in our KH who is for most part, a very "spiritual" brother. i looked him up and his account is open for anyone to see. best part, he has some pictures that could very well put him into alot of trouble. i told the JW i would look into it, but to be fair, i really dont want to. he is a young guy who is having fun (the pictures appear to be a party/drinking/kissing a girl beyond just a peck) but nothing to get worked up too much about. i think i will tell him to just make it private and be careful who his friends are.

    have you ever come across any pictures or stuff on facebook or other sites that makes you wonder why the person, if not wanting to get caught, would not hide it.

  • JimmyPage

    I have had friend requests from practicing JWs on Facebook- and I ignore them. I keep my account private. My friends on Facebook are all either non-JW friends, ex-JWs, or relatives.

  • LouBelle

    Facebook is an open forum and if people are willing to put pics and info up about themselves that is questionable then they must deal with those questions when they arise.

    Besides if he is no friend of yours, it's got nothing to do with you and you should tell elder so so to do his own dirty work and not get you involved.

  • DJK

    An 18 year old, for the most part very spiritual brother.

    What makes you so sure of that?

  • chickpea

    someone TOLD you to search.....


    you do what they TELL you to
    do beyond the written word?

    that is a rock and a hard place

  • MissingLink

    One of the people shunning me is a young woman who has managed to avoid being DF a few times. She's had sex with a LOT of men (3 that I know of when she was on a pioneering trip). And on her facebook page are photos of her drunk most of the time. Yet she has gotten other people to shun ME because she had heard that I had doubts about some doctrine! Somehow she feels morally superior to me because she sits through meetings and I dont.

  • sass_my_frass

    I tell any new friends to facebook to falsify their location and date of birth for identity protection. I tell any friends about to join to do so with a fake name. I know one JW guy who is very, very gay, and has a very gay facebook page, and a lot of giveaway info on it. I have no idea how he has avoided disciplinary action from the bores who run our old KH.

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