We were in a restaurant and our six year old son was getting a bit flippant and overly rambunctious in his seat. So hubby says, in a playful but warning way "If you don't knock it off, I'm gonna cuff ya'." Our son stops, scrunches up face in deep thought, then looks at his father and says, "You're gonna cough on me? That won't hurt."
Our daughter, at age 2 or just under, was in the carseat in the back, and on the way home from meeting hubby and I were trying to get her to say "Jesus". She was not happy, and didn't want to comply, but after several attempts at encouraging her, she says "Jesus" like an old woman cussing out the cat. We laughed so hard!
Cracking open an egg as he helped me bake a cake, our little man about 4 at the time, says "come out little chickie" to the egg.
Same age, when he wanted an apple peeled without the skin, he would ask for a "naked apple".