Mc Millians book= Russell LAUGHTED at Brothers in robes waiting for Armagedon

by Witness 007 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Faith on the March P.27 "..Regarding the Armagedon perdiction in 1878 ".....I told him {Russell} Pittsburgh Papers had reported he was on the Sixth Street bridge dressed in a white robe...expecting to be taken to heaven with many others.....Russell laughed heartily and said: "I was in bed that night between 10;30 and 11;00 pm. However some of the more radical ones might have been there, but I was not. Niether did I expect to be taken to heaven at that time...much work to be done preaching..."

    1914 October Armagedon prediction = Mc Millian anounced {p.47} This is probably the last {assembly} adress I will ever deliver because we shall be going home soon....Bethel October 2 Russell clapped his hands and happily anounced: "The Gentile times have ended, there kings have had there day!" We all applauded....

    {Russell asks Mc Millian to his embarassment and bethel laughter to give another Sunday assembly talk. It was like a joke, Russell knew Armagedon was not coming even though his poor dumb lackey's were embarrasingly faithful to his every word.}


  • RR

    There was no Watch Tower Society in 1878. Russell didn't predict 1878, Barbour did The Three Worlds, Russell did not write it, only financed it.

    In fact McMillan wasn't with the Society in 1878. He was merely reading a current newspaper that did an expose on Russell and claimed he was on a bridge in 1878. Later the Brooklyn Daily Eagle made the same claim for 1914, that he stood on the Brooklyn Bridge waering a white robe.


  • Kenneson

    So what if Russell didn't predict 1878. He believed it and promoted it. No one can deny that the early Bible Students were anticipating to be taken up into heaven in 1878. And when 1878 failed to materialize they began to point to 1914. Again, it didn't happen in 1914. They were WRONG! Whether Russell was one of the radical ones on the bridge or not is irrelevant. He did nothing to dissuade his followers from anticpating it.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I agree it was Barbour who convinced Russell of the how precise his prediction were, so Russell financed his publications and gave him full support.....Russell admits I qoute: {Russell} "SOME OF THE MORE RADICAL ONES MIGHT HAVE BEEN THERE, BUT I WAS NOT..." It was not just a Newspaper story.

  • RR

    Witness, do we know for a fact that Russell said that? After all MacMillan, VanAmburgh and Rutherford put a lot of words into Russell's mouth after he was dead. No one knows for sure.


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