We know that Jehovah/Yahweh cannot Lie, and that he hates a lie(Pr 6:16-19). But according to his word, it is okay to do it pertaining to his purposes. See the ex. of Abraham, Isaac, Rahab, and Elisha(Gen 12:10-19,26:1-10,Jos 2:1-6,Jas 2:25,2 Ki 6:11-23). What was interesting to me about these accounts. Was that Jehovah never told them to Lie, they were just playing a role in the scheme of things. The problem though, arises as the issue of Lying. The WTS defines the Lie as Saying something False to a person who is ENTIITLED TO KNOW the truth with a hurtful intent(See the Insight book Vol 2). Staying true to this Definition, the WTS has not lied(notice the later part of the defintion) depending on your individual feelings. However one cannot SUGAR COAT the Lie, whether you classify it as "Theocratic Warfare" or "Not throwing pearls to the Swine", A Lie is still a Lie. Good Lie that protects and misdirects, Bad Lie that hexs and perplexs. Bottom Line: Is Ok to Lie period??
by whathehadas 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
the only good lies are the theocratic warfare lies.
There are different ways to lie. It doesn't always mean just telling a blatant untruth. Some people may lie by ommitting important details. They may justify themselves by saying "Well, the customer didn't ask, so I didn't volunteer the information." Maybe we don't always know the questions we should be asking. Or maybe a customer assumes there is a warranty (you know there isn't) but you just don't "volunteer" to tell him any different.
Another way people lie is by "slight deception." For instance, my favorite coffee comes in shiny little bags. In the beginning these bags held 16 oz. of "breakfast blend". As time went on, I noticed the bags were the same size but there was less coffee. The only thing changed on the bag was that it now read 12 oz. A few months later....same size bag...same price as when it held a pound of coffee...now was 9 oz. By continuing to use the same size bag and very very small print for the weight, I am sure many people were deceived before they began to "catch on" after they opened the bag to find less and less coffee.
Whatthahadas: "We know that Jehovah/Yahweh cannot Lie, and that he hates a lie"
Jehovah is a clever trickster. Technically, I guess you can say he doesn't lie. But you have to admit he really pulls some dirty tricks. (More like a Jinn)
Take for instance Moses and the promised land.
Moses was a good little JW. He did everything he was told to do. He suffered in the hot desert sand just walking around in unproductive circles for years. ( a lot like door to door)
Moses never really accomplished much and neither did the people he led. It was a dry parched lifestyle and they left nothing to show that they ever existed.
Moses lived this self sacrificing lifestyle because of a promise. The promise was a future paradise---the land of milk and honey. It would all be his, as long as he did everything Jehovah told him to do. He gave more than 40 years of his life backbreaking for Jehovah.
One day Jah told him to do something and he screwed up. He got mad and hit a rock. He was supposed to pray and thank Jehovah first...but in his anger, he forgot. Well, a lifetime of licking Jah's boots and Jah took back his promise of paradise.
To taunt poor Moses, Jah said..."Well, you screwed up, so I can't allow you to go into Paradise, but I will let you see what you will be missing." He took Moses right to the edge of Paradise City.
"See?" said Jah. "Just look at the size of those grapes. They make an excellent Cabernet." Poor Moses was parched from the desert heat. He hadn't had a good Cabernet in forty years. "Too bad you won't get to taste it," Jah clicked his tongue.
"I said I was sorry," Moses reminded him. "I gave you all the years of my life and I screw up once and you can't forgive it. What can I do to make it up?"
"Done is done," said Jehovah.
Moses looked as far as he could and surveyed the wonderment of the Paradise Land of Milk and Honey. Then Jehovah struck him dead.
Jehovah is just as bad as a liar. He is an evil trickster!
Here’s what I would consider a good lie, it’s only my opinion so take it at face value.
If I was asked to lie for someone that made a mistake and they would suffer serious consequences in their life if I told the truth, I wouldn’t hesitate to lie for them.
Example someone that messed up at work, that would lose their job over the issue.
If I had to lie to feed or protect myself or another person I was responsible for I wouldn’t hesitate being untruthful. It’s called survival and I wouldn’t leave that to chance or a god.
No. Lies are lies.