God's Kingdome Come - a cop out?
by PSacramento 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Many faithful Christians want for the "end of this ystem of theings", they yearn for the Kingdom of God to save them, just as it is promised in scripture.
Is it a cop-out?
While the prospect of god and Jesus fixing all the mess we made is all well and good, they also gave us all th etools for US to fix it and for us to create our "own" paradise on Earth.
Yes it may be harder, take longer and be less "specatcular", but we certainly will be more deserving of it, no?
I see to many just "give up" and seclude themselves in their own little world. hoping for the End of Days, hoping for God and jesus to take away all the inequities of the world and make it a paradise for them, sure they go out and they preach, sure they have bibel studies to bring people into the "truth", but what do they do to make the world a better place?
The passage in Matthew 25:34-40 has always made it clear, at least to me, that Jesus valued taking care of our fellow man much higher than any other deed and here he specifies the very deeds that will give us our Salvation and, indeed, make our world a beter world.
Rather than just waiting around for the end to come.
The Berean
From my point of view individuals attracted to organizations like JWs were never going to make our world a better place under any circumstances. They simply were in need of someone or something to validate their existence. They look forward to a day when everyone elses world crumbles as theirs already has.
This sure is a way for the hounders to get people to give up their lives in hopes of that tyranny. When it comes, it is supposed to solve our problems--in the meantime, you are supposed to live a miserable, stagnant life with the added problems from neglecting things now.
We do live in a world that, at times, is quite crappy, to say the least, however, to deny all the good that we see and feel, I don't think that's right.
There is lots for US to fix and we have the tools to fix them, tools given to US by God through Jesus, tools like Love and Grace.
Maybe its Me, I have never been the type to leave things for others to do and I think that the world given to Us by God and screwed up BY US, deserves to be fixed BY US, with God and Jesus's help.
This hoping for the end of things and the destruction of millions or even billions, I just don't get it at all.
I was always confused about the 2 phrases 'Wait on Jehovah' and 'God helps those who help themselves'. More contradictions. I tend to go with the latter. Ya know.... I've never seen God cut my lawn, pull my weeds, or plant my gardens. If I don't do these things, they just don't get done. Funny, eh?
Spike Tassel
I believe that "waiting on Jehovah" and "God helps those who help themselves" both have their places. Both are dependent upon me seeing things that I'd like to have improved. In "waiting on Jehovah", I weigh incoming evidence and practicality. I look for principles from God's word being applied to the particular situation, and see if I am missing something to get part of the job done myself. If I am missing something, then sometimes I must wait for clarification, for the timing to be right, or I go about getting what is required for my part in the job. Once I feel I have what I need to make a useful contribution, such as in this post, I go ahead. Then I "wait on Jehovah" for what to apply myself to next. All of this is applying the "seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness" principle we can find at Matthew 6:33. It is my taking responsibility, so not a cop out.