Of course, first you have to FIND one...
About finding a Dhjinn.... [correct spelling optional - or is that impossible?? I can never tell...]
Go to the Sahara. Take along whatever magical charms you have lying around the house [you DO have magical charms lying around the house, don't you?? May I suggest a 'Santeria' store if you don't...], not enough water or food, and get yourself thoroughly, thoroughly LOST... Ask the first hallucination you see where the magical cave of Ali Babba's is - and stagger off in that direction through the scorching dunes... Be sure to try out all your magical phrases on the entrance - I think "Open, Sesame!" is so passe'...
Oh, and watch out for the Dhjinn. Word is that they're tricky, and out to destroy the human race...
Good luck! Bring me back some zills, will ya? Four will do... Oh! and a doumbek, please...