If you could ask three wishes of a Dhjinn...

by ziddina 7 Replies latest social humour

  • ziddina

    Of course, first you have to FIND one...

    About finding a Dhjinn.... [correct spelling optional - or is that impossible?? I can never tell...]

    Go to the Sahara. Take along whatever magical charms you have lying around the house [you DO have magical charms lying around the house, don't you?? May I suggest a 'Santeria' store if you don't...], not enough water or food, and get yourself thoroughly, thoroughly LOST... Ask the first hallucination you see where the magical cave of Ali Babba's is - and stagger off in that direction through the scorching dunes... Be sure to try out all your magical phrases on the entrance - I think "Open, Sesame!" is so passe'...

    Oh, and watch out for the Dhjinn. Word is that they're tricky, and out to destroy the human race...

    Good luck! Bring me back some zills, will ya? Four will do... Oh! and a doumbek, please...


  • JeffT

    A lawyer goes through the usual routine of finding the dhjinn and letting him out of the bottle. The dhjinn asks him what he wants.

    He says "I want to wake up in bed with three women."

    "That's disgusting."

    "Well, its what I want and you have to give it to me."


    So the next morning he wakes up in bed with Tanya Harding, Loreena Bobbit and Hilary Clinton. He has a broken leg, no penis and no health insurance.

  • ziddina

    Hah! Good one, Jeff!

  • villabolo

    Can your first wish be to have all the wishes fulfilled that you can imagine? If so, why bother with wish #2 or #3?

  • Fe2O3Girl

    If I had three wishes, I'd wish for five,
    Panorama, men at work, oh man alive,
    If I had five wishes I'd wish for six,
    I'd have a Midas touch and not a nervous twitch,
    If I had six wishes I'd wish for seven,
    No I'll go the whole hog give me a hundred and eleven wishes,
    What are they all for,
    So I can have everything I've ever wished for and more,

    If I had three wishes I'd wish for five,
    Then I could breath under water and I'd still be alive,
    I'd be as strong as ten tigers and fly through sky,
    Or be completely invisible yet still pleasing to the eye,
    Oh just nine wishes, no make it ten,
    So I can travel through time and start all over again.
    So I can travel through time and start all over again.

    If I had three wishes I'd wish for five,
    Peace on earth, ban the bomb, get along and survive,
    If I had five wishes I'd wish for six,
    I'd have a flat in the city and a house in the sticks,
    If I had six wishes I'd wish for seven,
    Just decide what you want and then make it happen.
    Just decide what you want and then make it happen.

    Wish me luck, wish me well,
    Wish me all the best and the rest to hell,
    Wish happy birthday, wish good new year,
    It's a wish wash there I bet you was here,
    It's a wish wash there I bet you were here,

    If I had three wishes,
    I'd have a hundred and eleven wishes.

  • ziddina

    ROFL Good one, FE-girl! Yer a poet!

    Only problem - catch 22 - can't wish for more wishes...


  • loosie

    I would wish for always having the correct amount of money in my pocket for the item I wanted to purchase. That way I would always have money and wouldn't have to mention a certain amount.

    I would also wish lifelong happiness and contentment for myself and family.

    And I would wish for my family ( including our pets) to live forever

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I am glad you like it Ziddina, but I can't take the credit. It's one of my favorite tracks by Bradford rockers Terrorvision.


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